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RE: Hacking Mobil Telephone System ?

On Wed, 11 Sep 1996, Stephan Schmidt wrote:

> If a hacker is able to phone using the number
> 0171 / 3 28 99 66 in Germany with a hacked code,
> the company will pay 100.000 DM (~65.000$) to a non
> profit organisation of the hackers choice.

"Mark O. Aldrich" <maldrich@grci.com> wrote:
>I'd also expect to get paid a hell of a lot more than $65 for doing a
penetration test on their network.  

Then how about a thousand times more than $65 US ?

When was the last time Cents/Pfennigs were denominated in 1000ths of a
Dollar/Mark? Ahh, maybe you are from Italy? ;-) 
