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Re: (Fnord) Edupage, 10 September 1996
>------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
>Edupage, 10 September 1996. Edupage, a summary of news about information
>technology, is provided three times a week as a service by Educom,
>a Washington, D.C.-based consortium of leading colleges and universities
>seeking to transform education through the use of information technology.
> Wired World Will "Diminish National Sovereignty"
>A leading Clinton Administration official on information security and
>cryptography matters says that traditional notions of sovereignty, national
>security and warfare will be undermined by the year 2020, when the whole
>world is "wired" and e-cash is the norm.
24 years from now? He thinks it'll take that long?!? 24 years _ago_ the
4004 microprocessor barely existed. And if anything, change is accelerating
very rapidly.
>The result will be less powerful
>governments in relation to criminal organizations such as the Mafia and
>international drug cartels,
Organizations which exist only because of the existence of government...
>says Michael Nelson, who adds that organized
>crime members are already some of the most sophisticated users of computer
>systems and strong encryption technology. In addition, computer crackers
>will pose a more significant threat. In response, Nelson advocates
>resolving the issue of whether unauthorized access of a computer is an "act
>of trespass" or an "act of war," and prosecuting the intrusions accordingly.
>(BNA Daily Report for Executives 6 Sep 96 A14)
I'd sure like to be able to corner this guy and point out that there are
people who believe that _regulating_ the Internet should either be
considered an "act of trespass" or an "act of war." And does he want to be
punished, or merely stopped?
Jim Bell