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Re: Erasing Disks
N.B. Your disagreement is with Peter's paper, not me unless I have
inadvertently misrepresented what he wrote.
At 2:15 AM 9/14/96 -0700, Bill Stewart wrote:
>I disagree. The methods for declassification in the Army and
>Defense Department security manuals included several approaches:
>1) Physical destruction - acid, sandblasters, etc.
>2) NSA-Approved Whopping Big Magnets
I think Peter was looking for non-destructive methods which would allow
continued use of the hard disk
>3) NSA-Approved Hopefully-Bugfree computer programs for some computers.
>The most secure methods were the unclassified ones - after we
>sandblasted our RM05 disk packs, the NSA and KGB can't read anything.
>The less secure methods are the ones that require NSA approval -
>how strong is a Whopping Big Magnet this year? (Too strong to put
>near MY computer lab, thank you! :-)
Peter thinks this strength is to strong for practical application. He
describes someone who had a strong enough research magnet which bent the
platters. Since erasing the clocking tracks requires them to be rewritten
at the factory, magnets do not allow reuse of hard disks.
>But shredding the floppy? No need to classify that, no secrets leaked
Burn after shredding, or you have a puzzle fan reassembling the shredded disk.
Hastily, but with regards - Bill
Bill Frantz | "Cave softly, cave safely, | Periwinkle -- Consulting
(408)356-8506 | and cave with duct tape." | 16345 Englewood Ave.
[email protected] | - Marianne Russo | Los Gatos, CA 95032, USA