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Re: Excite Live!
On Thu, 12 Sep 1996, E. Allen Smith wrote:
> From: IN%"live@excite.com" 11-SEP-1996 22:14:03.06
> >A request was made for the location of your Excite Live! page
> >Found your Excite Live at URL
> >http://live.excite.com/?uid=CEC8C99632372D6E
> Hi. As you can see from the above, I've set up an Excite Live!
> page up with the email address of cypherpunks@toad.com. It has top priority
> on things related to cypherpunks, including technology news, political news,
> international news, etcetera, plus some build-in links and searches to
> appropriate places. I'd advise using the anonymizer to access the above
> link (http://www.anonymizer.com:8080/http://live.excite.com/?uid=).
> -Allen
well i dunno about that but
is the BEST web page I have ever visited! it has live chat <the filez YOU
want> and even info! this site rocks!