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CDT Policy Post 2.31 - Join Rep. Eshoo Online, Tues. 9/16, 8:00 EDT
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The Center for Democracy and Technology /____/ Volume 2, Number 31
A briefing on public policy issues affecting civil liberties online
CDT POLICY POST Volume 2, Number 31 September 16, 1996
CONTENTS: (1) Join Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-CA) Live Online
Tuesday Sept 17, 8:00 pm EDT
(2) How to Subscribe/Unsubscribe
(3) About CDT, contacting us
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(1) Join Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-CA) Live Online Tuesday Sept 17, 8:00 pm EDT
Representative Anna Eshoo (D-CA) will be live online on Tuesday September
17 at 8:00 pm EDT (5:00 pm PDT) to discuss her efforts bring privacy and
security to the Internet through the reform of US encryption policy.
Eshoo will also take questions from Netizens during the discussion.
Representative Eshoo, who represents the heart of California's Silicon
Valley, is a co-sponsor of HR 3011, the "Security and Freedom through
Encryption (SAFE) Act of 1996", a founding member of the Congressional
Internet Caucus, and a strong advocate for enlightened Internet policies.
Momentum in Congress for real reform of US encryption policy remains
strong. The House Judiciary Committee is scheduled to hold a hearing on HR
3011 on Wednesday September 25, 1996, and the Senate Commerce Committee is
expected to vote on the Burns/Leahy "Pro-CODE" bill (S. 1726) soon.
At 8:00 pm EDT (5:00 pm PDT), point your browser to:
To participate you will need to have RealAudio installed on your computer
(available free at http://www.realaudio.com/). You also need to
be a registered HotWired member (there is no charge for registration -
visit http://www.hotwired.com/ for details).
This forum is the 6th in a series of events organized by the Center for
Democracy and Technology and the Voters Telecommunications Watch with the
purpose of bringing the Internet Community into the debate over critical
Internet policy issues.
For further information, please visit the following sites:
* For Background on the Encryption Issue:
The Encryption Policy Resource Page: http://www.crypto.com/
CDT's Encryption Policy Issues Page: http://www.cdt.org/crypto/
* For details on Congress and the Internet:
CDT's Congress and the Net Page http://www.cdt.org/net_congress/
Voters Telecommunications Watch: http://www.vtw.org/
HotWired's WiredSide Chat: http://www.hotwired.com/
Be sure you are up to date on the latest public policy issues affecting
civil liberties online and how they will affect you! Subscribe to the CDT
Policy Post news distribution list. CDT Policy Posts, the regular news
publication of the Center For Democracy and Technology, are received by
nearly 10,000 Internet users, industry leaders, policy makers and
activists, and have become the leading source for information about
critical free speech and privacy issues affecting the Internet and other
interactive communications media.
To subscribe to CDT's Policy Post list, send mail to
with a subject:
subscribe policy-posts
If you ever wish to remove yourself from the list, send mail to the
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unsubscribe policy-posts
The Center for Democracy and Technology is a non-profit public interest
organization based in Washington, DC. The Center's mission is to develop
and advocate public policies that advance democratic values and
constitutional civil liberties in new computer and communications
Contacting us:
General information: info@cdt.org
World Wide Web: URL:http://www.cdt.org/
FTP URL:ftp://ftp.cdt.org/pub/cdt/
Snail Mail: The Center for Democracy and Technology
1634 Eye Street NW * Suite 1100 * Washington, DC 20006
(v) +1.202.637.9800 * (f) +1.202.637.0968
End Policy Post 2.31 9/16/96