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Re: Gaining trust in OCO crypto code

I agree with Norm's points.

At  6:59 PM 9/16/96 -0700, Norman Hardy wrote:
>At 3:06 PM 9/12/96, Bill Frantz wrote:
>>(2) Key generation.  There are published ways to encode an RSA secret key
>>in the corresponding RSA public key.  A key generation algorithm which only
>>uses 32 bits of the random number would be hard to detect, but easy to
>>break by one who knew its secret.  You have to be able to examine in detail
>>how keys are generated.
>Actually if you generate 100,000 RSA keys with the algorithm the birthday
>effect says that
>you will have some collisions. Of course even 100,000 key generations takes
>a long time.

This statement was not as clear as I wish I had been.  The trap door in RSA
key generation is sufficient to require careful examination of the source
for any RSA key (unless you can take the out Norm suggests as):

>If random number generation is specified not to be integral to RSA key
>generation, then two or more untrusted programs, from mutually hostile
>sources, can generate your RSA key if they yield the same output from the
>same input. In paranoia situations I would rather trust my keyboard random
>than an algorithm chosen by my enemy.

When I started discussing using only 32 bits of the random number, I was
thinking of random session keys such as PGP generates for its IDEA cypher. 
I agree you could detect a small number bits being used to generate these
keys by a birthday attack.  However, most systems make sure these keys are
never revealed outside the system (to preserve the secrecy of the
messages).  It is not easy to do a birthday audit of e.g. PGP session keys.

Bill Frantz       | "Cave softly, cave safely, | Periwinkle -- Consulting
(408)356-8506     | and cave with duct tape."  | 16345 Englewood Ave.
frantz@netcom.com |           - Marianne Russo | Los Gatos, CA 95032, USA