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DIMACS Trust management workshop, Sept 30 - Oct 2.

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Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 11:02:41 -0400
From: Barbara Quigley <bquigley@dimacs.rutgers.edu>
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Subject: DIMACS Workshop on Trust Management in Networks, Rutgers University, September 30 - October 2, 1996

DIMACS Workshop on Trust Management in Networks

September 30 - October 2, 1996

DIMACS, Rutgers University

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     Ernie Brickell brickell@btec.com
     Joan Feigenbaum jf@research.att.com
     David Maher dpm@allegra.att.com


The use of public-key cryptography on a mass-market scale requires
sophisticated mechanisms for managing trust. For example, any application
that receives a signed request for action is forced to answer the central
question ``Is the key used to sign this request authorized to take this
action?'' In certain applications, this question reduces to ``Does this key
belong to this person?'' In others, the authorization question is
considerably more complicated, and resolving it requires techniques for
formulating security policies and security credentials, determining whether
particular sets of credentials satisfy the relevant policies, and deferring
trust to third parties. This workshop covers all aspects of the trust
management problem. Relevant topics include but are not limited to:

   * General approaches to trust management
   * Languages, systems, and tools
   * Certificates and public-key infrastructure
   * Formal models and analysis
   * Trust management in specific application domains; including but not
     limited to:
        o Banking
        o E-mail
        o Internet commerce
        o Licensing
        o Medical information systems
        o Mobile programs and ``code signing''
        o Revocation of cryptographic keys

For more information:

Information about local arrangements, travel, lodging and registration can
be found at http://dimacs.rutgers.edu/Workshops/Management. Those without
WWW access can contact Pat Pravato at 908-445-5929 or

This workshop is part of DIMACS Special Year on Networks. Information about
the Special Year on Networks can be found at DIMACS WWW site:
http://dimacs.rutgers.edu or by contacting the center.

Monday, September 30, 1996

 8:15  Continental breakfast

 9:00  Welcome to DIMACS
       Fred Roberts, DIMACS Director

 9:15  What is "Trust Management," and what are the Workshop Goals?
       Joan Feigenbaum, AT&T Laboratories

 9:45  Let a Thousand (Ten Thousand?) CAs Reign
       Stephen Kent, BBN Corporation

10:45  Break

11:00  The PolicyMaker Approach to Trust Management
       Matt Blaze, AT&T Laboratories
       (Joint work with J. Feigenbaum and J. Lacy)

12:00  Lunch

 1:15  SDSI: A Simple Distributed Security Infrastructure
       Butler Lampson, Microsoft
       (Joint work with R. Rivest)

 2:15  SPKI Certificates
       Carl Ellison, Cybercash

 3:15  Break

 3:45  Panel Discussion
       Moderator: David Maher, AT&T Laboratories
       Panelists: Blaze, Ellison, Kent, and Lampson

 5:30  Wine and cheese

Tuesday, October 1, 1996

 8:15  Continental Breakfast

 9:00  Using PICS Labels for Trust Management
       Rohit Khare, World Wide Web Consortium

 9:30  Managing Trust in an Information-Labeling System
       Martin Strauss, Iowa State University
       (Joint work with M. Blaze, J. Feigenbaum, and P. Resnick)

10:00  Trust Management in Web Browsers, Present and Future
       Ed Felten, Princeton University
       (Joint work with D. Dean and D. Wallach)

10:30  Break

10:45  IBM Cryptolopes, SuperDistribution, and Digital Rights Management
       Marc A. Kaplan, IBM Watson Research Center

11:15  Requirements and Approaches for Electronic Licenses
       David Maher, AT&T Laboratories

11:45  PathServer
       Michael Reiter, AT&T Laboratories
       (Joint work with S. Stubblebine)

12:15  Lunch

 1:30  Inferno Security
       David Presotto, Bell Labs -- Lucent Technologies

 2:00  Transparent Internet E-mail Security
       Raph Levien, University of Calfornia at Berkeley
       (Joint work with L. McCarthy and M. Blaze)

 2:30  Secure Digital Names
       Stuart Haber, Bellcore
       (Joint work with S. Stornetta)

 3:00  Break

 3:30  Untrusted Third Parties: Key Management for the Prudent
       Mark Lomas, Cambridge University
       (Joint work with B. Crispo)

 4:00  Distributed Trust Management using Databases
       Trevor Jim, University of Pennsylvania
       (Joint work with C. Gunter)

 4:30  Distributed Commerce Transactions: Structuring
       Multi-Party Exchanges into Pair-wise Exchanges
       Steven Ketchpel, Stanford University
       (Joint work with H. Garcia-Molina)

Wednesday, October 2, 1996

 8:15  Continental Breakfast

 9:00  Policy-Controlled Cryptographic Key Release
       David McGrew, Trusted Information Systems, Inc.
       (Joint work with D. Branstad)

 9:45  An X.509v3-based Public-Key Infrastructure for
       the Federal Government
       William Burr, Nat'l. Inst. of Standards and Technology

10:15  Break

10:30  The ICE-TEL Public-Key Infrastructure and
       Trust Model
       David Chadwick, Salford University

11:00  A Distributed Trust Model
       Alfarez Abdul-Rahman, University College, London
       (Joint work with S. Hailes)

11:30  On Multiple Statements from Trust Sources
       Raphael Yahalom, Hebrew University and MIT

12:00  Lunch

 1:00  Off-line Delegation in a Distributed File Repository
       Arne Helme, University of Twente
       (Joint work with T. Stabell-Kul)

 1:30  Operational Tradeoffs of Aggregating Attributes in
       Digital Certificates
       Ian Simpson, Carnegie Mellon University

 2:00  Trust Management for Mobile Agents
       Vipin Swarup, Mitre
       (Joint work with W. Farmer and J. Guttman)

 2:30  Break

 3:00  Trust Management in ERLink
       Samuel Schaen, Mitre

 3:30  Linking Trust with Network Reliability
       Y. Desmedt, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee
       (Joint work with M. Burmester)

 4:00  Trust Management Under Law-Governed Interaction
       Naftaly Minsky, Rutgers University
       (Joint work with V. Ungureanu)

 4:30  Tools for Security Policy Definition and Implementation
       Polar Humenn, Blackwatch Technology, Inc.

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