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DCSB: Putting a Stock Exchange on the Net


                 The Digital Commerce Society of Boston


                            Philippe Le Roux
                         Associe de V(DL)2 Inc.

                  "Putting a Stock Exchange on the Net"

                        Tuesday, October 1, 1996
                               12 - 2 PM
                   The Downtown Harvard Club of Boston
                     One Federal Street, Boston, MA

Philippe would like to talk about putting the Montreal Stock Exchange on
the Web - building the Net strategy, the implementation, the management
tools, and the impacts on the organization. If we can get a connection
and digital projector, he'll demo the project.

<If we can't, he'll just *talk* about it. ;-), -RAH>

Philippe Le Roux has worked for more than 15 years implementing new
technologies and analizing their socio-economic impact. Extensively
involved in the launching of Minitel in France and then Alex in Quebec,
he has worked with many groups involved with the Internet and On-Line
Services. For more than 10 years he's been giving conferences on
telematique and information highways in Europe, North and South America.
He is the North American correspondent for Planete Internet (France) and
regularly publishes articles in France, Quebec and the U.S. He is
co-author with Carol Baroudi and John Levine of Internet Secrets (IDG
Books 1995), and, under the direction of Pierre Musso and Jean Zeitoun,
the book Le Metafort D'Aubervillers (Editions Charles Le Bouil (France)

This meeting of the Digital Commerce Society of Boston will be held on
Tuesday, October 1, 1996 from 12pm - 2pm at the Downtown Branch of the
Harvard Club of Boston, One Federal Street. The price for lunch is
$27.50. This price includes lunch, room rental, and the speaker's lunch.
;-).  The Harvard Club *does* have dress code: jackets and ties for men,
and "appropriate business attire" for women.

We need to receive a company check, or money order, (or, if we *really*
know you, a personal check) payable to "The Harvard Club of Boston", by
Saturday, September 28, or you won't be on the list for lunch.  Checks
payable to anyone else but The Harvard Club of Boston will have to be
sent back.

Checks should be sent to Robert Hettinga, 44 Farquhar Street, Boston,
Massachusetts, 02131. Again, they *must* be made payable to "The Harvard
Club of Boston".

If anyone has questions, or has a problem with these arrangements (We've
had to work with glacial A/P departments more than once, for instance),
please let us know via e-mail, and we'll see if we can work something

Planned speakers for DCSB are:

 November  Philip S. Corwin  Regulatory Barriers to Internet Commerce
 December  "Black Unicorn"   Money Laundering: The Headless Horseman
                               of the Infocalypse
 January    TBA              1996 in Review / Predictions for 1997

We are actively searching for future speakers.  If you are in Boston on
the first Tuesday of the month, and you would like to make a
presentation to the Society, please send e-mail to the DCSB Program
Commmittee, care of Robert Hettinga, rah@shipwright.com .

For more information about the Digital Commerce Society of Boston, send
"info dcsb" in the body of a message to majordomo@ai.mit.edu .  If you
want to subscribe to the DCSB e-mail list, send "subscribe dcsb" in the
body of a message to majordomo@ai.mit.edu .

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Robert Hettinga
The Digital Commerce Society of Boston

Version: 1.0, engine e19


Robert Hettinga (rah@shipwright.com)
e$, 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"'Bart Bucks' are not legal tender."
                -- Punishment, 100 times on a chalkboard,
                       for Bart Simpson
The e$ Home Page: http://www.vmeng.com/rah/