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Anthrax on the 'net [Was Re: Fear of Flying -- from HotWired ]
>>Gee, biotech has come a long way. Now I can download the Anthrax DNA
>>sequence from the net and insert it in some carrier bacteria and start
>>making Anthrax bacteria. Neat!
> Now the bad news: the DNA replicator only works under Windows 95 and comes
> with buggy drivers!
Buggy drivers? But isn't that the point in this case? :)
> Unfortunately, it can be very deadly. The idea here is that it rarely infect
> humans - in the normal course of events. If a determined biowarrior is tryin
> to infect people, all bets are off.
The Frank Herbert (of _Dune_ fame) book _White Plague_ comes
to mind. Basically a molecluar biologist's wife and kids are killed
by an IRA bomb while visiting Dublin. He snaps and creates a plague
which kills women (men are carriers) as revenge. All without using
that nasty Internet (in fact, the book was written back before even
Fletch __`'/|
fletch@ain.bls.com "Lisa, in this house we obey the \ o.O' ______
404 713-0414(w) Laws of Thermodynamics!" H. Simpson =(___)= -| Ack. |
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