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Systems/Communications Security Positions in the South Bay

I know someone is going to get PO'd about this, but I didn't know how else
to get these in front of you in a timely manner. These positions are
critical and interesting parties can interview next week, please read on:


One of the Nation's leaders in Systems and Communications security is
seeking several talented engineers to join their South Bay
Development/Consulting facility to develop Internet/WWW Commerce Software.

As a Software Developer on this project you will be responsible for the
development of Electronic Commerce Software that spans the World Wide Web,
e-mail, distributed applications, security, cryptography, O/S security, and
Internet protocols.

Qualified candidates should be experienced system software developers with
three years development experience including several of the following
areas: Unix, NT, TCP/IP, network protocol development, distributed
application development, applied cryptography.

For more information on this and other opportunities send a resume/email to


2. One of the Nation's leaders in Systems and Communications security is
seeking several talented engineers to join their South Bay
Development/Consulting facility to develop Distributed, CORBA-compliant

As a Software Developer on this team you will join a new project spanning
distributed object applications, CORBA ORB services, CORBA security, O/S
security, a network protocol development. An existing
high security O/S's distributed system capabilities are being extended to
provide object request brokerage. New security components for
access-controled inter-ORB interoperability are being developed. New and
existing security mechanisms are being integrated for these components.

This position requires strong system software development experience with
at at least three years development experience including several of the
following areas: CORBA, Unix, firewalls, TCP/IP, network protocol
development, object-oriented software development, distributed application
development, Mach, Kerberos, DCE, trusted systems, multi-level security.

For more information on this and other opportunities send a resume/email to


3. One of the Nation's leaders in Systems and Communications security is
seeking several talented engineers to join their South Bay
Development/Consulting facility as Network Security Consultants. There are
4 positions requiring 2-4, 4-6 (2), and 6+ years of experience

As a Network Security Consultant you will:
- discuss network configuration and hacker threats with system
- understand issues related to network security policies and procedures
- identify effective approaches to security issues of multi-platform
systems, corporate LANs, and Internet systems
- identify, understand, and effectively communicate risks, and tradeoffs
between security requirements and user productivity and system performance
- provide input for training materials that address customers' specific
policies, network configuration, and risks
- operate independently to perform customer relations and project
management for some projects, including primary responsibility for written
- provide oversight for a number of projects managed by others,
- perform business development and expand customer base, with assistance
  from junior colleagues.

These positions require strong system software development experience with
UNIX and NT platforms, as well as some of the following:
network protocols, firewalls, network security vulnerabilities,
applied cryptography, access control, risk assessment, security policies.

For more information send a resume/email to steve@tsearch.com

Steve Dyson                             Technology Search International
Consultant                                 25 Metro Drive, STE 238
steve@tsearch.com              San Jose, CA 95110
VOICE 408.437.9500            FAX 408.437.1033

"...dockin-doid, dockin-doid.........dockin- doid"