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RE: Risk v. Charity (was: RE: Workers Paradise. /Politica...
On Tue, 17 Sep 1996 jbugden@smtplink.alis.ca wrote:
> Black Unicorn <unicorn@schloss.li> wrote:
> >On Tue, 17 Sep 1996 jbugden@smtplink.alis.ca wrote:
> >> Black Unicorn <unicorn@schloss.li>
> >> >You are saying that everyone on the planet has a right to health
> >> > insurance and disability insurance whether they can afford it or not.
> >> > This is folly. The result is serious moral hazard problems.
> >>
> >> Almost, but not quite. I'm saying that within our two countries at least
> >> (Canada, U.S.) everyone could have access to medically necessary
> >> procedures because the *society as a whole* can afford it.
> >
> >The decisions about what is or is not medically necessary must by
> >design be made by government in a socialized medicine regime.
> People do make decisions that affect other people. If you feel safer in the good
> hands of Allstate than at the government trough, good for you.
I feel safer in the hands of the market where Allstate is but one
insurance carrier.
> Personally, I trust in Allah, but I still tie up my camel.
> > This evades an important point as well. Namely, who cares if society
> > can afford it?
> Some things are seen as investments in the future of a society. I view both
> Education and Health through this lens.
I'd like to hear the argument for Health.
I'd like to hear the argument for Education- particularly one which makes
socialized education systems the only, or even a good answer.
> >> But there is a balance between accurately pricing the risk and
> >> minimizing the cost of the bureacracy that polices this pricing.
> >
> > Oh, I see. Let's give the program to the government then. Good idea.
> > That will reduce the cost of the bureacracy.
> The point is still valid. Are we not trying to minimize this cost?
Now explain how government will reduce bureacracy and minimize cost
please. Cite, if you will, a few examples.
> >> There are also many ways to modify behaviour, not all of them direct.
> >
> > And all of them buy into the notion that people are not to be made
> > personally responsible for their high risk behavior.
> There it is again. Blame the sick for their lack of moral fibre.
Blame the rich for their condition.
> Not every victim of lung cancer smokes.
I'll tell you what. I will give you a dollar for every non-smoking
related lung cancer case, if you give me one for every smoking related
> Besides, people are notoriously poor at
> evaluating the probability of unlikely events (see reference below). A
> "punishment" that happens 30 years after the "crime" is no deterrent.
> Prevention is usually cheaper than treatment.
And now please describe how government and socialized medicine are better
at preventing lung cancer.
> > I prefer market solutions.
> I prefer solutions.
Now please explain how government provides a superior solution.
> James
I hate lightning - finger for public key - Vote Monarchist