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SSN database scam?

Forwarded from www-security mailing list.

"Of course the US Constitution isn't perfect; but it's a lot better
than what we have now."  -- Unknown.

pub  1024/C001D00D 1996/01/22  Gary Howland <gary@systemics.com>
Key fingerprint =  0C FB 60 61 4D 3B 24 7D  1C 89 1D BE 1F EE 09 06

This is probably a bit off-topic; if so I apologize.

Can anybody comment on the item forwarded below my sig file? It claims
there's a database w/ people's credit card no's etc on it and you have to
give your name and social security number to get off of it.  This strikes
me as being a scam to get your ssn, but this went around at work and
people are actually calling and giving it out.  I know ssn's aren't really
as secure as they're supposed to be, but  still...

So, does anybody know if this database is for real or if it's just a scam?

Mary Wise

--------------------------------- *** ------------------------------------
Mary Wise			   |
Computer Systems Specialist	   *	auntyem@umich.edu
LSA Information Technology	   |	homepage not availabe at this time
3557 LSA Bldg 1382		   *
University of Michigan		   |
(313) 647-6230			   *
--------------------------------- *** ------------------------------------

---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Your name, social security number, current address, previous addresses,
> mother's maiden name, birth date and other personal information
> are now available to anyone with a credit card through a new Lexis database
> called P-Trax. As I am sure you are aware, this information
> could be used to commit credit card fraud or otherwise allow someone else to
> use your identity.
> You can have your name and information removed from this list by making a
> telephone request. Call (800)543-6862, select option 4 and
> then option 3 ("all other questions") and tell the representative answering
> that you wish to remove your name from the P-trax database. You
> may also send a fax to (513) 865-7360 or 865-1930. Include your full name and 
>ssn in the fax. You can also send physical mail to 
> P.O. Box 933
> Dayton, Ohio 45401-0933. 
> Sending physical mail to confirm your name has been removed is always
> a good idea.
> As word of the existence of this database has spread on the net, Lexis-Nexis
> has been inundated with calls, and has set up a special set of
> operators to handle the volume. In addition, Andrew Bleh (rhymes with
> "Play") is a manager responsible for this product, and is the person
> to whom complaints about the service could be directed. He can be reached at
> the above 800 number. Ask for extension 3385. According to
> Lexis, the manager responsible is Bill Fister at extension 1364.
> I called this morning and had my name removed. The representative will
> need your name and social security number to remove you from the list.
> I suggest that we inundate these people with requests to remove our
> info from the list and forward this e-mail to everyone we know.
>----- End Included Message -----
>Cheers . . . 
>"The backup procedure works fine, but the restore is tricky!"
> |   _  \  Amanul Haque
> |  | \  \   Pencom System Administration  
> |  |_/__/__ __  9050 Capital of Texas Highway North, Austin, TX 78759
> |   _/ ___/|  \                           Email: ahaque@pencom.com
> |  | \___ \| \ \                          Pager: (708) 643-7331
> |__| /____/|_|__\___________________________________________________________
>           Pencom Web Page : http://www.pencom.com
>------------- End Forwarded Message -------------


                              Nancy L. Cassidy
	                   University of Michigan
                         LS&A Budget & Finance Team

                             2557 LSA Bldg. 1382
                             Tel: (313) 764-6465
                             Fax: (313) 764-2697
