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Re: Fear of Flying -- from HotWired

On Wed, 18 Sep 1996, Bill Frantz wrote:


> Black Unicorn wrote:
> >My point was that in the eyes of the "leaders" all that is required to
> >make the net responsible for the proliferation is for the process to be
> >describeable in a simple one or two page set of instructions (such as
> >Anthrax is).
> I have no problem with your point.  Mine was intended as sarcasm.

I can be sarcasm impaired.  Sorry.

> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Bill Frantz       | "Cave softly, cave safely, | Periwinkle -- Consulting
> (408)356-8506     | and cave with duct tape."  | 16345 Englewood Ave.
> frantz@netcom.com |           - Marianne Russo | Los Gatos, CA 95032, USA

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