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Re: Bernstein hearing reminder: THIS Friday 11:45AM, SF Federal Building

On Thu, 19 Sep 1996, James P. O'Shea III wrote:

> On Sep 19,  9:24am, Batman wrote:
> > Subject: RE: Bernstein hearing reminder: THIS Friday 11:45AM, SF
> Federal B
> >For the 200th time, unsubscrive me of your fucked mail lists.
> >
> >-- End of excerpt from Batman
> Apologies if you receive more than one copy of this message, but I'm
> auto-replying to your message to handle the flood:
> Redistribution to the list from which you originally received the
> problem
> message is kindly requested.
>     Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. The email or
>     posting you have seen falsely represents Smith Barney and its
>     employees. These are erroneous postings that did not originate from
>     anyone employed by our firm, and therefore we cannot directly stop
>     them from occurring. However we have advised the companies we
> believe
>     to have serviced the originator of these messages and we are
> pursuing
>     all possible steps to end this fraud. Unfortunately some people
> abuse
>     the Internet and we regret any inconvenience they may have caused
> you.
>     There are currently no mailing lists maintained in the smb.com
> domain,
>     so you were not subscribed to any list. If you receive any further
>     messages of this nature, they are the product of the same spurious
>     source.
>     We're sorry for any inconvenience you may have experienced as a
> result
>     of this unfortunate abuse of the 'Net.
>     Further queries via email to postmaster@smb.com please.
>     Thanks.
>     -James
>     postmaster, network security, etc.
>     -----------------------
>     James P. O'Shea III
>     Smith Barney Inc.
>     postmaster@smb.com
> -- 
> ---------------------------->>>>Note NEW PAGER numbers 6/27/96
> James P. O'Shea III		212-723-5885 (voice)
> Systems Administrator		212-723-5021 (fax)
> Smith Barney Inc.
> 390 Greenwich/6 West		800-225-0256 PIN 306296 (alpha page)
> jposhea3@panix.com         	917-820-5855 (digital page)
> james_oshea@smb.com 
Dear Sir,

I thank you for your e-mail. This has began 6 months ago, when a guy
has started to subscrive me on several lists and i got 300 mails/day.
this guy is sricca@worldcom.ch, he's only 15 years old and i've noticed
several complains here in Switzerland for him. I sent a mail to his admin
root@wolrdcom.ch, but i think they must be good friends, as i never 
received a reply from him. What i can do is to ask the mail-list admins 
to not let him subscribe me again. I don't understand, a mail-list as 
cypherpunhks where people talk about security, and if i want, i can 
subscrive in there all the e-mails i want :( couldn't you resolve this 
problem to be sure that i will no more talk about fucked mail-lists ?

It would be so great, so fantastic to forget cypherpunk mail list (and 
the others) as soon as possible. Please, do something.

Kind regards,

Joao Bento
