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Re: Re: [NEWS] Crypto-relevant wire clippings
>From Adamsc@io-online.com Fri Sep 20 01:07:49 1996
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From: Adamsc@io-online.com (Adamsc)
To: "Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM" <dlv@bwalk.dm.com>
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 96 22:07:34 -0800
Reply-To: "Chris Adams" <adamsc@io-online.com>
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Subject: Re: Re: [NEWS] Crypto-relevant wire clippings
Message-Id: <19960920050709843.AAA186@GIGANTE>
You are being gently flamed because.
[X] you continued a boring useless stupid thread
[ ] you repeatedly posted to the same thread that you just posted to
[x] you repeatedly initiated incoherent, flaky, and mindless threads
[x] you posted a piece riddled with profanities
[ ] you advocated Net censorship
[ ] you SCREAMED! (used all caps)
[x] you posted some sort of crap that doesn't belong in this group
[ ] you posted the inanely stupid 'Make Money Fast' article
[ ] you threatened others with physical harm
[x] you made a bigoted statement(s)
[x] you repeatedly assumed unwarranted moral or intellectual superiority
[x] you are under the misapprehension that this group is your preserve
[x] you repeatedly shown lack of humor
[x] you are apparently under compulsion to post to every threat
[?] you are posting an anonymous attack
>>> Thank you for the time you have taken to read this. Live n' Learn.<<<
# Chris Adams <adamsc@io-online.com> | http://www.io-online.com/adamsc/adamsc.htp
# cadams@acucobol.com | V.M. (619)515-4894
"I have never been able to figure out why anyone would want to play games on
a computer in any case when the whole system is a game. Word processing,
spreadsheets, telecoms -- it's all a game. And they pay you to play it."
-- Duncan Frissell