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Financial Cryptography '97 Call for Papers
Financial Cryptography '97
February 24-28 1997, Anguilla, BWI
General Information:
Financial Cryptography '97 (FC97) is a new conference on the security
of digital financial transactions. The first meeting will be held on
the island of Anguilla in the British West Indies on February 24-28,
1997. FC97 aims to bring together persons involved in both the
financial and data security fields to foster cooperation and exchange
of ideas.
Original papers are solicited on all aspects of financial data
security and digital commerce in general, including
Anonymous Payments Fungibility
Authentication Home Banking
Communication Security Identification
Conditional Access Implementations
Copyright Protection Loss Tolerance
Credit/Debit Cards Loyalty Mechanisms
Currency Exchange Legal Aspects
Digital Cash Micropayments
Digital Receipts Network Payments
Digital Signatures Privacy Issues
Economic Implications Regulatory Issues
Electronic Funds Transfer Smart Cards
Electronic Purses Standards
Electronic Voting Tamper Resistance
Electronic Wallets Transferability
Instructions for Authors:
Send a cover letter and 9 copies of an extended abstract to be
received by November 29, 1996 (or postmarked by November 15, 1996 and
sent via airmail) to the Program Chair at the address given below.
The extended abstract should start with the title and an abstract
followed by a succinct statement appropriate for a non-specialist
reader specifying the subject addressed, its background, the main
achievements, and their significance to financial data security.
Submissions are limited to 15 single-spaced pages of 12pt type.
Notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent to authors no
later than January 17, 1997.
Authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their paper will
be presented at the conference.
Additional Information:
Conference pricing and information on travel, hotels, and Anguilla
itself will follow in a separate general announcement.
A very limited number of stipends may be available to those unable to
obtain funding to attend the conference. Students whose papers are
accepted and who will present the paper themselves are encouraged to
apply if such assistance is needed. Requests for stipends should be
addressed to one of the General Chairs.
Those interested in becoming a sponsor of FC97 or in purchasing
exhibit space, please contact the Exhibits and Sponsorship Manager.
A workshop, intended for anyone with commercial software development
experience who wants hands-on familiarity with the issues and
technology of financial cryptography, is planned in conjunction with
FC97, to be held during the week preceding the conference. For
information, please contact one of the General Chairs.
Send Submissions to:
Rafael Hirschfeld
FC97 Program Chair
Kruislaan 413
1098 SJ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
email: ray@cwi.nl
phone: +31 20 592 4169
fax: +31 20 592 4199
Program Committee:
Matthew Franklin, AT&T Laboratories--Research, Murray Hill, NJ, USA
Michael Froomkin, U. Miami School of Law, Coral Gables, FL, USA
Rafael Hirschfeld, CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Arjen Lenstra, Citibank, New York, NY, USA
Mark Manasse, Digital Equipment Corporation, Palo Alto, CA, USA
Kevin McCurley, Sandia Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, USA
Charles Merrill, McCarter & English, Newark, NJ, USA
Clifford Neuman, Information Sciences Institute, Marina del Rey, CA, USA
Sholom Rosen, Citibank, New York, NY, USA
Israel Sendrovic, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York, NY, USA
General Chairs:
Robert Hettinga, Shipwright, Boston, MA, USA
<mailto: rah@shipwright.com>
Vincent Cate, Offshore Information Services, Anguilla, BWI
<mailto: vince@offshore.com.ai>
Conference, Exhibits, and Sponsorship Manager:
Julie Rackliffe, Boston, MA, USA
<mailto: rackliffe@tcm.org>
Workshop Leader:
Ian Goldberg, Berkeley, CA, USA
<mailto: iang@cs.berkeley.edu>
Financial Cryptography '97 is held in cooperation with the
International Association for Cryptologic Research.
A copy of this call for papers as well as other information about the
conference will be available at URL http://www.cwi.nl/conferences/FC97.