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Re: Snake-Oil FAQ
In <v03007808ae6a2dfa2a73@[]>, on 09/21/96 at 04:47 PM,
Lance Cottrell <loki@infonex.com> said:
>I am setting up just such a list. I plan to award products for both
>excellent and lousy crypto. This really should be a committee (yuch)
>effort, so if you would like to participate, please let me know.
I would be intrested in this. I would like to see the following information made
available for any product that made it on to the list:
Detailed listings of pro/cons of the product.
Contact with the authors & listing of any rebutials they may have for the cons.
A appendix to the list explaining why the individule points are a pro or a con for
crypto products.
William H. Geiger III http://www.amaranth.com/~whgiii
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