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RE: USA_exe
At 08:27 AM 9/23/96 -0700, Brian D Williams wrote:
>John (jya@pipeline.com) posts:
>>The Washington Post reports at length today on the Defense
>>Department's disclosure yesterday of heretofore classified
>>training manuals used in the School of the Americas to instruct
>>Latino troops on killing a wide range of civilians for political
>This is not particularly new news, I have a copy at home of one of
>these manuals, it was put out by a humans rights group that got
>their hands on it during all the El Salvador business.
>It's as nasty as it sounds...
I don't suppose we need ask the question about whether such manuals were
classified to keep their contents away from the enemy...or the American
people. Ooops, same thing I guess.
Jim Bell