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Crypto Files in the BA Archives (fwd)
Forwarded message:
>From boatanchors@theporch.com Mon Sep 23 14:15:39 1996
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 1996 12:54:28 -0500 (CDT)
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From: jproc@worldlinx.com
To: Multiple recipients of list <boatanchors@theporch.com>
Subject: Crypto Files in the BA Archives
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X-Comment: Amateur Radio Equipment Using Vacuum Tubes
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Dear BA'ers,
For those of you in the group who are interested in crypto gear, I have
posted two files to the BA archives which discuss the KL7 off line crypto
unit and the KWR-37 online crypto receiver. To obtain the files, send a
message to:
In the body of the message type:
get boatanchors kl7.crypto.unit
get boatanchors kwr37.crypto.receiver
The second article is the one which will be submitted to AWA Old Timers
Bulletin. BA'ers get to read it first.
Jerry Proc VE3FAB
E-mail: jproc@worldlinx.com
HMCS Haida Naval Museum
Toronto, Ontario
'Looking for a 'AN/SRC-501'