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Reminder on your eval software

Dear Macintosh User,

Thank you for your interest in our free evaluation software. We hope that 
you're enjoying working with one of our award-winning Macintosh server
products such as WebSTAR, ListSTAR or Quarterdeck Mail. We're sending  
this message to you as a quick reminder that the serial key for your 
evaluation copy will expire in approximately three weeks.

If for any reason you were unable to successfully download the requested 
file, we urge you to try downloading again at:

Once you've begun using our software, you should enjoy easy installation and 
administration.  If you experience any difficulties, please consult one of 
our useful on-line support resources such as our FAQ pages or technical 
notes at <http://www.starnine.com/support/>. Of course, you can always 
receive a personal reply to your questions by sending e-mail to 

After you've had a chance to evaluate whether the program meets the 
needs of your organization, we urge you to call our sales office at 
1-800-525-2580 or (510) 649-4949, or send mail to sales@starnine.com 
for information regarding pricing and availability. Products may also be 
purchased via our on-line store: <http://store.starnine.com/>

You may want to evaluate one of our other products we offer:

* WebSTAR - for easily creating and maintaining dynamic Web sites on 
your Macintosh. WebSTAR recently won "Software Product of the Year" 
and "Editor's Choice" award, and now includes Adobe Pagemill for easy 
Web page creation.

* ListSTAR - allowing you to publish email on the Internet. Create your 
own powerful email discussion groups and Email-On-Demand services, 
including easy Web site integration.

* Quarterdeck Mail (formerly Microsoft Mail for AppleTalk Networks).  
The easiest client-server email system for Mac networks, now includes
one-click browser URL-launching, internet-style signatures and more!

* Mail*Link Gateways - connect Quarterdeck Mail or QuickMail to the 
Internet or Unix systems via the UUCP or SMTP protocols.  Please call 
(800) 525-2580 or mail sales@starnine.com for evaluation copies.

Thank you again for your interest in our products.

StarNine Technologies, a Quarterdeck Company

Phone: 1-800-525-2580
FAX: (510)-548-0393

<http://www.starnine.com/>                       2550 Ninth Street, Suite 112
<email: sales@starnine.com>                        Berkeley, CA 94110