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Re: AP [was: Re: Kiddie porn on the Internet] [NOISE]


On Mon, 23 Sep 1996, Sandy Sandfort wrote:

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>                           SANDY SANDFORT
>  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
> C'punks,
> On Mon, 23 Sep 1996, Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM wrote:
> > There is no such thing as an "ordinary citizen". When the U.S. commits
> > war crimes in Korea, Viet Nam, Grenada, Panama, Somalia, Iraq, and elsewhere,
> > every American taxpayer is an accomplice and a fair game.
> Illogical collectivist claptrap.  When a taxpayer is targeted by 
> terrorists, he has been victimized twice--first by the government 
> that stole his money, second by the terrorist that punished him
> for the (alleged) acts others commited with that money.  If a
> mugger buys a gun with the money he took from me, am I then
> responsible for the murder he commits with it?  Clearly not.  
> This line of "reasoning" is nothing more than a sad variant of 
> the old, "blame the victim" game.  For shame.
> Let's bring this back to crypto for a moment.  Dimitri's "logic"
> must necessarily lead one to the conclusion that Cypherpunks (at
> least those in the US) are responsible for whatever draconian
> restrictions "our" government puts on free speech, crypto or
> whatever.  John Gilmore, Philip Zimmermann, Whit Diffie and 
> others will be chagrined to learn this, I'm sure.
> Dimitri needs to learn what it means to be an adult.  Everyone is 
> totally responsible for what they do, but ONLY for what THEY do.  
> No one is responsible for the unassisted, willful acts of others.
>  S a n d y
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~