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Re: SAY WHAT? [Hallam-Baker demands more repudiations or he'll write!]

In <Pine.SUN.3.91.960924143919.28504B-100000@tipper.oit.unc.edu>, on
   at 03:19 PM, Simon Spero <ses@tipper.oit.unc.edu> said:

= .On Tue, 24 Sep 1996, attila wrote:

= .> 
= .>         go back to your beloved England and your labour unions
= .			your roots are showing :-) ----^


= .>         NO, I will not outright reject Jim Bell's "Assassination
= .> Politics."

= .Assasination politics is  impossible to defend from a classical 
= .Liberal/Libertarian position. Bell advocates arbitrary applications
= .of  violence and coercion without restriction. There is no way to
= .justify the  initiation of force without abandoning any pretence of
= .being a  Libertarian (which, to be fair, Bell doesn't claim to be).

        all very true.  but I will defend Jim Bell's rights to propose
    them, even if Bell is more than a few cards short of a full deck.

  Politicians are like diapers.
    They both need changing regularly, and for the same reason.