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Re: Possible snake oil?

On Wed, 25 Sep 1996, Phil Fraering wrote:

> I ran across this at the web site of a New Orleans area web authoring
> company. I checked with a friend of mine of long standing on this list,
> and he assured me that the information was probably false.
> (Here it is...)
> <begin included excerpt from web page)
> [deleted] has one of the fastest and most powerful web networks in the


> ObLegalQuestion:
> Should I have been less coy about the corporation name?

It is their publication.  Why should you be afraid of copying it?

So long as you don't make allegations that are malicious.

> Phil Fraering          The above is the opinion of neither my internet
> pgf@acadian.net        service provider nor my employer.
> 318/261-9649               

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