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Re: Cuba, Iraq, AP...
On Wed, 25 Sep 1996, snow wrote:
> Some would say that 1) Saddam (as a problem) was _created_ by the US,
> and it would not be in the interest of certain people to have him die.
> Along the same lines, Castro, while not exactly friendly (and who can blame
> him) to the US, is also not a threat, and never really has been. Killing
> him would serve no purpose.
Shortly after the Gulf War elements in the Iraqi military tried to
overthrow Hussein; they apparently tried to co-ordinate with the U.S., who
tried to co-ordinate with Saudi Arabia, who warned Saddam that there was
going to be a coup attempt; gotta stop that Ol' power vaccuum...
The fact that the people who performed the Bay of Pigs were enticed into
it by promised but withdrawn U.S. military support is a matter of public
record; would Castro still be in power had the United States not
(intentionally? I don't know) destroyed the core resistance against him
in that fashion?
Phil Fraering The above is the opinion of neither my internet
pgf@acadian.net service provider nor my employer.