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RE: LivePGP (fwd)
----- Edited message from Ming-Ching Tiew -----
>From mctiew@csi.po.my Thu Sep 26 22:36:39 1996
Message-ID: <01BBAC57.C7351E60@minuet>
From: Ming-Ching Tiew <mctiew@csi.po.my>
To: "'Adam Shostack'" <adam@homeport.org>
Subject: RE: LivePGP
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 09:39:21 +-800
Encoding: 38 TEXT
Do you already have this information ?
The copy is expiring soon. I will soon be releasing a new copy which is
much for polished.
I am not releasing the source.
----- End of forwarded message from Ming-Ching Tiew -----