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[NOISE] Re: Jena Remailer

My appologies in advance to the list for this noise.  Dear Anonymous, if
there is another way to contact you, please let it be known so that this
need not involve the 1500 others on the list.

On Fri, 27 Sep 1996, Mixmaster wrote:

> OK, it's an improvement, but there's still some obscurity and a couple
> of other problems:

>  w>     * The hexadecimal key-ID forms the Email address.  For example,
>         if the nym's key is 0x01020304, the address will be:
>         anon-01020304@as-node.jena.thur.de
> Already a confusion:  Is not the address pseudonym@as-node.jena.thur.de?

No, it's not.  "the address will be: anon-01020304@as-node.jena.thur.de"
implies that the address will be anon-01020304@as-node.jena.thur.de

> And, since the key ID is an eight-digit hex number, why the confusing
>         "...if the nym's key is 0x01020304, the address will be:"
>                                 ^^
> ...or am I missing something already?

0x is used to indicate that the characters that follow are in hexadecimal.

>  w>     * The user-ID of the key contains the pseudonym, only.  Note:
>         This is different from the convention, which is to include the
>         Email address in angle brackets.
> OK, so if I understand this properly, when prompted for an account name
> in PGP one simply enters
>         pseudonym
> ...with no quotes or address ("pseudonym" <pseudonym@someplace.net>).

Exactly.  Just the pseudonym.  Remember that at this point, you do not
know what your pseudonymous address will be, because the keys have not
been generated.

>  w>  * Subject: (or Anon-Subject:)
> The header fields in parens are identical in function or not?

Yes, identical in function.

To: bill@macrosquash.com

is the same as

Anon-To: bill@macrosquash.com

>  w>  - Run 'pgp -esa -u "pseudonym" anon@as-node anonid.asc' to sign and
>  w>     encrypt the extracted key for the server.
> These various command lines in the helpfile do not work in the pre-legal
> PGP 2.6/uix/ui versions preferred by many, though equivalent command
> lines of course exist.

I use PGP 2.6.2 as distributed by MIT.  The command line in my re-written
help file works for my copy of PGP.  The command line in the original help
file appearantly works for the international edition, although I am not
able to confirm this.

> The procedure didn't produce results for me so far, but before trying
> again I wish to get confirmation that I am trying properly:

>         1:  Generate key with simple, one-word pseudonym, no quotes, no
>             address, no nothing.

Multiple words work fine, but yes, that should be fine.

>         2:  Generate -kxa keyfile, pseudo.asc
>         3:  -esa encrypt keyfile with Jenaer Remailer's PGP key and send
>             to anon@as-node.jena.thur.de via a remailer.

Yes, that is correct -- be sure that you are signing with your nym's key,
and not your own.  Also be sure that the remailers you are using are

>         4:  Account is automatically established and should work
>             immediately.

As soon as the mail arrives, that is correct.  If it was lost by using a
non-operational remailer, or by sending a misformatted mail, then it will

> To test...
>         1:  Prepare message textfile according to sample:
>                 Newsgroups: de.test
>                 Subject: Test
>                 This is the test message textbody...

Correct.  All of this should be starting at column 0, with no indentation.

>         2:  PGP encrypt the filebody and two header lines with the Jenaer
>             Remailer's key using the -esa command, signing the cyphertext
>             with your key previously sent to the remailer.
>         3:  Send the resulting cyphertext message to the Jenaer Remailer
>             via another remailer, making sure to avoid command words in
>             the Subject: field of the outgoing message.
> As I say, following these protocols I have not yet seen a resulting
> message in the test group I have chosen.  Do you feel this is due to
> lag, or am I doing something obviously wrong?

It may be lag, it may not be.  I recommend that you create a test nym,
with minimal anonymity (no remailers, send everything directly to jena)
and, after waiting several hours to ensure that the key was added, send a
mail from your nym to your own account.  If you get no mail after several
hours, something is wrong.

>  w> - Never request a delivery to your real Email address.
> So here's what I really want to know:  When/if the new account is up and
> running, how _does_ one discreetly retrieve his mail?  I don't see how,
> other than to have it sent to alt.anonymous.messages via a mail2news
> netmail address such as alt.anonymous.messages@news.demon.co.uk and then
> pick through the mess there until some cyphertext message responds to
> his right key.

That's exactly right.  We need better message pools.  Actually, what is
needed is a email message pool, because of the lag and uncertainly of
Usenet.  But that's a project for another day.


William Ono <wmono@direct.ca>                                PGP Key: F3F716BD
 fingerprint = A8 0D B9 0F 40 A7 D6 64  B3 00 04 74 FD A7 12 C9 = fingerprint
PGP-encrypted mail welcome!           "640k ought to be enough for everybody."