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Re: Public Schools
In <v03007800ae72776fcbd0@[]>, on 09/27/96
at 10:36 PM, "Timothy C. May" <tcmay@got.net> said:
At 3:02 AM +0000 9/28/96, attila wrote:
> a very unusual situation --but I live in rural southern
> utah where the regional middle school of 1200 can support 4
> bands, the top 2 being very impressive, and provide full AP
> classes, and ACT
Wow! Utah is teaching AP? Is Jim Bell being brought in as a
Special Lecturer?
come on, Tim... you are not that old. AP has three meanings
(at least):
1. Associated Press (news gathering)
2. Advanced Placement (as in college credit for HS classes)
3. not widely known: Jim Bell's Assassination Political
I wonder if Jim Bell would enjoy his stay in Utah's Dixie?
there is only one bar in Washington county, and I understand
it's pretty limited (if you even find it!).
(I knew Idaho has special Militia classes, but to hear that Utah is
now teaching Assassination Politics is pretty impressive.)
Utah does not need militia classes:
1. opening of deer season (Oct 20) is a state holiday.
thing shuts down: schools, business, government... we take
it real serious....
2. according to info I scanned from one of those moving
target bleeding heart liberals, utahns have more weapons
than children, and you know we have a lot of children.
3. if you are aware of Mormon heritage: despite a trail of
blood from Kirtland (mild), Missouri (3 times, severe),
and Nauvoo (medium), only one incident (in Missouri)
found Mormons fighting to defend themselves. In Utah,
we endured an occupying U.S. army for almost 50 years
while statehood was denied... and our leaders were
imprisoned, property and assets confiscated, etc.
that's OK, tim; I'm glad you're still feeling your oats in
your old age!
one of the few things we all share:
the utter, corrosive contempt for our elected officials.