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Re: Public Schools
On Sat, 28 Sep 1996 20:53:51 -0500 (CDT), snow wrote:
>> = . There is a solution. Trade Schools,
>> The problem was simple: we have only the now retiring
>> toolmakers who make it all possible. engineering graduates will
>> not observe the manufacturing floors since it is above their
>> dignity to roll of their sleeves.
> I knew too many engineering students to believe this. I knew one
>(Civil Engineering) who had been a Paramedic, he wanted grease and
>dirt on his hands, it may be harder to wash off, but much easier to
>sleep off.
Nice point, BTW!
I think he was engaging in a bit of hyperbole but he still had a point. How
many people (in any profession) have had to use what they produce? How many
hardware engineers types have had to actually hook up a mission critical
network with the router they designed? More likely, how many of you on the
list work for someone who has done the same work you're doing? How many of
the programmers have to use their own programs on a daily basis? Now,
compare with the rest of the world (particularly on that last one).
> Prove? I don't know, but it is some pretty solid evidense. Communism
>at it's finest. A community of people who work together and take care of
>each other voluntarily for the common good. <hee hee>
Communism should sound familar to any Jew or Christian. The idea of caring
for others in the community is a key part - it's hard to say that you have
love for your neighbor if you can't give him a meal while he's out of work
(assuming of course you have food yourself - although many in the great
depression did anyway). It's when this kind of activity is state-mandated
that you have this problem.
# Chris Adams <adamsc@io-online.com> | http://www.io-online.com/adamsc/adamsc.htp
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