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Re: Workers, Public Schools, Tradesmen, and Justice

snow wrote:
> Mr. May said:
> > At 1:35 PM -0500 9/27/96, jbugden@smtplink.alis.ca wrote:
> > >If you want to refuse those who are too stupid or anti-social from 
> > >Public Schools in order to improve the social or intellectual
> > >climate, you better have a solution for the resulting cast-offs.

[text deleted: trade schools, welfare system, etc.]

> People die for all manner of reasons every day. Fuck'em.
> Petro, Christopher C.
> petro@suba.com <prefered for any non-list stuff>
> snow@smoke.suba.com

Seems to me they had excellent solutions in the 1930's. Bread lines for 
those who needed food and couldn't find work. Labor camps for those who 
wanted to work anyway.