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(Firewalls) Where is that Snake Oil FAQ again?
This may of course, just be a troll.
----- Forwarded message from Anonymous -----
>From firewalls-owner@GreatCircle.COM Sun Sep 29 21:27:09 1996
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 02:37:26 +0200 (MET DST)
Message-Id: <199609300037.CAA20690@basement.replay.com>
Subject: New Release - Software OTP Encryption.
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
To: firewalls@GreatCircle.COM
From: nobody@REPLAY.COM (Anonymous)
Organization: Replay and Company UnLimited
XComm: Replay may or may not approve of the content of this posting
XComm: Report misuse of this automated service to <abuse@replay.com>
Sender: firewalls-owner@GreatCircle.COM
Precedence: bulk
I apologize for this intrusion into your affairs. Please
forgive but we do have important information that will be of
interest to Internet users.
Would you like to secure your hard disk files against
compromise by Internet Interlopers? Would you like to
communicate over Internet in absolute privacy? We can provide
you with the tools necessary to do those two things in an
absolute sense.
Briefly, we have developed the first software sourced OTP,
which is provably as good as any hardware sourced OTP that
can possibly be be generated. Most experts thought that this
could not be done, but we have done it, and can prove it.
Our prices are:
- $95.00 for a complete dual user system, the full package
for two users, but your communications are limited
to that single user -
- $95.00 for a complete Elita unlimited usage system - that
is you can protect your internal files, and
communicate with anyone else that has an Elita
system, or more comprehensive Ultima system below.
- $195.00 for a complete Ultima Internet/intranets system,
this allows user to protect their own files -
communicate with anyone that has an Ultima, or an
Elita, system - to form hierarchal work groups that
provide the same protection - and to customize
their system variables to achieve the maximum
We are also going to open up the whole company for outside
participation - it is going to a completely open Internet
Distributive Company, we believe the first one of its kind.
Anyone is welcome to participate in the venture. All
marketing is to be done on an lucrative MLM basis, program
development will be done on a royalty/commission on adjusted
gross income basis. Everyone that participates will share in
the rewards. System testing will also be handle in a similar
manner, and system engineering will be handled on a fee for
services and participation basis. If you can perform, you can
win big, really big. If you just try to perform, you will
still win.
This is an important opportunity for you, take advantage of it
at this most opportune time, To order, call us at 817-691-
1081, or write to us at 2629 Plaza Parkway, Suite B-20,
Wichita Falls, Texas, or order through Internet
or e-mail us at: ipgsales@netprivacy.com.
For more details, visit our web site at:
Our apologies again, but we believe it to be important.
Don Wood, IPG
"None can be so true to your secret as yourself."
- Sa'Di
----- End of forwarded message from Anonymous -----
"It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once."