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3rd European Assembly on Telework and New Ways of Working

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Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 08:31:26 +0200
From: brennert@sun1.alpin.or.at (Barbara Rennert-Buchegger)


Preliminary Programme

Telework '96
3rd European Assembly on Telework and New Ways of Working

November 4 - 6, 1996, City Hall, Vienna, Austria

organized by
European Community Telework Forum (ECTF)
in association with
European Commission
City of Vienna
Federal Ministry of Science, Transports and the Arts
Chamber of Labour of Vienna
European Trade Unions Confederation
Austrian Trade Unions Confederation


Thomas KLESTIL - President of the Federal Republic of Austria

Honorary Presidency
Martin Bangemann - European Commission, Commissioner of DG XIII (Belgium)
Rudolf SCHOLTEN - Federal Minister of Science, Transport and the Arts
Michael HAeUPL - Mayor of the City of Vienna (Austria)
Hannes SWOBODA - Councillor for Urban Planning and Foreign Affairs (Austria)

Assembly Co-ordinator
Josef HOCHGERNER - Centre for Social Innovation, ECTF (Austria)

Programme Chair
Enrique de la SERNA - INNOVA Intl., ECTF (Italy)
Christine GAUTHIER - CATRAL (France)
Franz NAHRADA - Globally Integrated Village Environment, CSI (Austria)

Assembly Steering Committee
Katarina ALMQUIST - NUTEK/Assembly Co-ordinator 1997 (Sweden)
Karl BONOMEO - TeleVillage Bruck an der Leitung (Austria)
Bruno BUCHBERGER - Softwarepark Hagenberg (Austria)
Renate CZESKLEBA - Austrian Trade Union Confederation (Austria)
Philippe DORIN - CATRAL (France)
Noel HODSON - SW 2000, ECTF (United Kingdom)
Arnold KLOTZ - Planning Director of the City of Vienna (Austria)
Brigitta MLINEK - Chamber of Labour of Vienna (Austria)
Walter PAAVONEN - ECTF (Sweden)
Andrew PAGE - ECTF (United Kingdom)
Ingolf SCHAeDLER - Federal Ministry of Science, Transport and the Arts
Alain VEYRET - IDATE, ECTF (France)

European Commission

European Trade Unions Confederation (ETUC)



European Community Telework Forum

ECTF Austria Secretariat
Center for Social Innovation CSI
Hettenkofergasse 13
A-1160 Wien
Tel. +43-1-495 04 42-41
Fax +43-1-495 04 42-40
eMail j.hochgerner@magnet.at

ECTF International Secretariat
Santa Cruz de Mercenado, 33
E-28015 Madrid
Tel. +34-1-541 72 64
Fax +34-1-559 92 74
eMail eb.ectf@mad.servicom.es

Conference Secretariat
bco - j. breit congress organisation GmbH
Lenaugasse 11/36
A-1080 Wien
Tel. +43-1-403 28 20
Fax +43-1-406 77 52
eMail bco.breit@magnet.at

ATTENTION: As of Monday, November 4, 1996, the conference secretariat will be
located at the congress venue (City Hall).

Hotel reservation and travel arrangements
Austropa - Interconvention
P.O.Box 30
A-1043 Wien
Tel. +43-1-589 25-114
Fax +43-1-586 71 27
eMail austropa@oevb.co.at

Telework '96 on the Web

The ECTF-HomePage on the Web



Rudolf ScholtenFederal Minister of Science, Transport and the Arts

The diffusion of telework is among the central phenomena characterizing the
contemporary technical and economic developments at a global state.
Faced with the restructuring of labour-markets and work, and witnessing the
rapidity of innovation within the information society it is the task of the
responsible analyst to consider the social impact of telework detached from
either technological euphoria  or resigned cultural pessimism.
In parallel to the growth of a worldwide net and the trends toward the
liberalisation of the telecom-markets the promotion of telework provides us
with seductive visions: Among others there is the promise to harmonize
classical antagonisms like those between urban and the rural areas or between
work and leisure-time. Accordingly teleworkers may expect a sheltered life in
the idyl of the village environment or the fond of the family whilst being
mobile beyond national borders at the same time. There is the assumption that
women in particular will no longer be threatened by breaks of their
professional careers. Companies are expected to increase profits due to
increased productivity and organisational innovation. Positive effects on the
labour-market and the natural environment are likewise foreseen.
No doubt telework bears chances for the future. Nevertheless, we should not
forget to take possible disadvantages  into account: For example, the
mingling of work and private sphere, relevant for mere homebased work, can be
a factor of increased individual mental stress. The creation of new patterns
of work might be connected with the loss of old types of jobs. Tendencies
toward individualisation and the decline of social solidarity might be
intensified. Issues like labour legislation and the threatening decrease of
social security urgently need to be discussed.
If we were to describe the situation as an open game of chances and risks, a
demand for creative policies to shape our future prospects positively and
consciously gains evidence.
This demand shall be met by "Telework 96": The exchange of experiences
between science and policy-makers, industry and trade unions is organized not
only in order to analyse the present situation, but also with a view of
preparing solutions for the near future.
"Working in a Wider Europe" may be read in a twofold way: as referring to an
extension of individual life perspectives as well as a metaphor for the
promotion of the process of the European integration, whereby the countries
of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) will be of particular interest.
The use of advanced technology and traditional ways of decision-making can
not be mentioned without referring to mechanisms of exclusion. In contrast,
within and around "Telework 96" a wide range of events are organized for
adressing various types of institutions and groups of special interest,
including pupils, female workers, and persons in search of employment.

Rudolf Scholten


About the Assembly

Focus: European integration, particularly Central and Eastern Europe;
transnational standards for telework
Main topics: Getting people to work; Training for life in the Information
Society; Working towards sustainability
Format: Scientific conference & political assembly & exhibition of
applications and cases
Participants: Leading international experts, practitioners, scientists,
politicians, representatives from business, trade unions and public
administration and NGO's

Telework 96 provides the largest and most comprehensive platform to both
observe and promote progress of teleworking in Europe. It is the lead event
of the European Telework Week 1996 (ETW 96), which is held under the auspices
of the European Commission (DG XIII) from November 4-11, 1996. It is called
an "assembly" because of its composition comprising elements of a scientific
conference with political debates and of a business exhibition as well.

Companies, regional councils, telework pilots (e.g. tele-cottages) and other
institutions are invited to participate in an exhibition which is open to the
public. Conference meetings in plenaries and parallel sessions are open to
experts and representatives of basicly five major societal players in the

(1) Employers (companies, associations of industrialists, Chambers of

(2) Employees (Trade Unions, Shop Stewards, Chambers of Labour, associations
of teleworkers)

(3) Politics (from communal, regional, national to European and transnational
level, particularly the Inter-Parliamentary Special Interest Group)

(4) Science (experts and analysts of many kinds, consultants and researchers
from private and public research centres, universities and international

(5) NGO's (e.g. environmentalist groupings, women's organisations, youth
Public administration on municipal, regional, federal or European level of
course also plays a role which may e.g. in one case appear in the area of
politics or in another in that of the employers.

In the overall format speakers of the assembly are selected and invited
representatives of these groups. Participants of course will represent an
even wider spectrum and will have in many regards concurrent and additional
knowledge and experience in the themes the assembly deals with. Hence methods
and procedures will be imposed to prevent the assembly from becoming a sort
of closed shop where experts, known to each other quite well, tell experts
what is the experts expertise.

Instruments in this regard are:

+       Careful selection of speakers in the opening event (Monday evening), the
plenaries and the parallel track sessions both on Tuesday and Wednesday.

+       Offering an "Open Forum (OF)" concerning the three main topics (track 1:
Work, track 2: Training; track 3: Sustainability). This allows interested
observers and participants  to send in abstracts and posters about their work
(be it in research, teleworking pilots, publishing etc.). These contributions
will be taken care of by the scientific organizers in the following way:
        Besides the abstracts of the invited lectures contributions to the
OF will
be listed in the Preceedings; in each of the track sessions a discussion will
be held on how to best publish and further proceed with these pools of
knowledge; the "posters" will be exhibited, and the abstracts of written
contributions will be distributed during the assembly; publication will be
offered on the web (Telework 96 homepage) and a selection of the most
relevant contributions will be printed after the event as "Proceedings 2"
apart from the lectures of invited speakers ("Proceedings 1").

+       The invention of a "Worker's Tele-Corner": A dedicated workplace in the
conference area is connected to a server, bearing all the information brought
in through the OF, allowing interested people from around the globe to share
information on their teleworking experiences, needs and maybe marketable
results. Further to that there will be links not only to the Telework 96 and
ECTF homepages, but also to the ETW website http://www.eto.org.uk (e-mail:
etw96-info@eto.org.uk), ACTS and Telematics projects networks, and various
databanks (building up an "electronic environment" of Telework 96).

+       Teleconferencing between the major events within the assembly and other
European conferences operated within the European Telework Week.

+       Arranging "additional events" in Vienna, stimulated by Telework 96 and
being also integrated in the framework of the European Telework Week.

+       Allowing manyfold concertation meetings among telework oriented European
research and development projects.

Josef Hochgerner, Assembly Co-ordinator Vienna, June 1996


General Information

Conference fee
until September 30, 1996:
Participants ATS 6.300,-- / 480,-- ECU
Students ATS 2.000,-- / 155,-- ECU(Confirmation of the university has to be
Day Tickets     ATS 4.000,-- / 310,-- ECU

after September 30, 1996:
Participants ATS 7.200,-- / 550,-- ECU
Students ATS 2.400,-- / 185,-- ECU
(Confirmation of the university has to be enclosed)
Day Tickets ATS 4.000,-- / 310,-- ECU

Reduced fees (e.g. for members of non profit organizations or participants
from Central and Eastern Europe) are available on request.Press
representatives: Please contact the conference secretariat to receive an

Fee includes
Participation in all lectures and sessions, two lunches, coffee breaks,
cocktail reception, programme, abstract book and proceedings.

Evening reception
Upon invitation by the Mayor of Vienna.

The fee is payable in international money order to:
ECTF Austria - "Telework 96"
Account Nr. 784 070 377
Bank Code 20151
Bank Austria, Box 35, A-1011 Vienna
without charges for the beneficiary
or enclose a cheque to your registration (ATS 2.500,-- maximum per cheque).
Confirmation of registration only after receipt of payment!
If you pay the fee per bank transfer after October 1, 1996 and do not
a confirmation of registration, please bring a copy of the money transfer
with you.

Cancellations made prior to October 1, 1996 will be charged 50% of the
assembly fee (only written cancellations can be accepted). We regret that
after this date no cancellations can be accepted.

In the course of the assembly an exhibition presents the most advanced
technologies and services to support individuals and organi-zations who are
already or wish to start teleworking. It will be open to the assembly
audience as well as to the public.
The exhibition will take place in the City Hall around the conference rooms.
Information about participation is available at the conference secretariat.

Poster Presentations and Contributions to the "Open Forum"
Poster presentations and abstracts to the "Open Forum" will be accepted until
September 30, 1996. Please use the abstract form for sending your submission.
Poster size: Max. 90 cm width, 140 cm height. Only participants of the
conference can present a poster. Poster presentation does not result into any
reduction of the conference fee.

The Vienna City Hall ("Rathaus") is located in the heart of the city close to
the "Ring". It can be reached by underground (U2, station "Rathaus") and tram
(D, 1, 2, station "Rathausplatz, Burgtheater").

Plenary sessions will be interpreted from and into German, English and
French, the parallel sessions will be held in English.

Please note that the badges will be needed for access to all scientific and
included social events of the conference.

In the area around the City Hall parking is only allowed for max. 90 minutes
with a special ticket. It is recommended to park cars in one of the garages
close to the congress venue.

The Vienna International Airport is located about 16 km from the city centre.
>From the airport the city can be reached
- by the airport bus (ATS 70,-- per person) to "City Air Terminal" at the
Hotel Hilton
- by Railway / "Schnellbahn" (ATS 34,-- per person) to the station "Wien
- by cab (ATS 400,-- - 600,-- per cab)

In November the weather in Vienna is cool, but usually not unpleasant. It is
recommended to take warm clothes with you.


Programme Monday, November 4, 1996

08.00 Registration
09.00 - 17.00 Concertation meetings of European projects on teleworking:

 1) ACTS-Concertation Meeting of the GA Telework Chain, involving
particularly DIPLOMAT (ACTS 10095, "The European Charter for Telework") and
ETD (ACTS 10081, "European Telework Development"). Partners/representatives
of other ACTS projects related to telework are invited to participate.

 2) Telematics programme, particularly telework oriented TURA-projects
("Telematics for Urban and Rural Areas") will be invited to participate in a
"trans-programme" communication to exchange experiences and further
exploitation of results across the programmes.

 3) Established contacts to DG V and the European Foundation for the
Improvement of Living and Working Conditions will lead to their presence in
this meeting too; transfer of knowledge is enhanced among the DG's involved
and projects started within the Community Initiatives (ADAPT, EMPLOYMENT).
Particularly the High Level Expert Group of DG V ("Flynn Commission") is
invited to participate.

Meeting rooms and communication facilities are available to be arranged
according to demand. The City of Vienna offers technical assistance to this
meeting as well as regarding "Telework 96", because the municipality of
Vienna itself participates in several European projects and took on the
"Bangemann Challenge". Thus the informatics department will use the Telework
Assembly  as a demonstrator of its ability of networking and building an
electronic environment for the conference. This will apply also to some of
the additional events which will take place during the ETW, and secure
permanence of information and communication technologies implementation
(teleworking facilities) set up to enhance the success of Telework 96 and
further achievements of the European Telework Week.

18.30 Welcome Cocktail
Welcome Address: Andrew PAGE - President of the ECTF (United Kingdom)

19.30 Evening Opening Event
"Tele-Future Without Work?"
Rudolf SCHOLTEN - Federal Minister of Science, Transport and the Arts
Michael HAeUPL - Mayor of the City of Vienna (Austria) (R)
Andrew MILLER - Member of the British Parliament (United Kingdom)
Upon invitation by Telework 96 and the City of Vienna prominent speakers will
present their view on the conference topics from various points.


Programme Tuesday, November 5, 1996

PLENARY SESSION "European Dimensions of Teleworking"

Moderation: Josef Broukal - ORF / Austrian Broadcasting Corporation (Austria)

09.00 - 09.20 Hannes SWOBODA - Councillor f. Urban Planning and Foreign
Affairs (Austria)
Cities and the new division of labour in Europe

09.20 - 09.40 Robert VERRUE - Europ. Commission, Director General of DG XIII
European policies on telework

09.40 - 10.00 Discussion period

10.00 - 10.30 Etele BARATH - Member of the Hungarian Parliament (Hungary)
Building the European Information Society - the Hungarian perspective

10.30 - 11.00 Shalini VENTURELLI - American University, Washington D.C. (USA)
The policy design of the global Information Society Economic, political and
cultural dimensions

11.00 - 11.20 Coffee Break

11.20 - 12.00 Keynote Address by
Wouter VAN DIEREN - Institute for Environment and System Analysis

12.00 - 12.30 Discussion period

12.30 - 14.00 Lunch Break
Lunch will be served in the City Hall close to the conference rooms

14.00 - 18.00 TRACKS 1 - 3 (see following pages)

19.30 Evening reception upon invitation by the Mayor of Vienna
Videoconference with representatives of Prague and Budapest and corresponding
events within the European Telework Week.
Cocktail reception: Specialities from Austria, Hungary and the Czech Republic




Tuesday, November 5, 1996  14.00 - 17.30
Wednesday, November 6, 1996 09.00 - 10.45

Restructuring national as well as international labour markets and
unemployment will remain top political issues of the next years.
Telework '96 will highlight the impact of telework and its legal aspects
within new organisational frames of companies, strategic alliances, civic
cooperation (NGO's) and private-public partnership. Transnational teleworking
may weaken national power. Thus cultural borders and new balances will also
appear in the scope of the conference.

Renate CZESKLEBA - Austrian Trade Unions Confederation (Austria)
Andrew MILLER - Interparliamentary Special Interest Group (United Kingdom)

Preliminary List of Presentations and Contributions

Towards a European  employment agency for teleworkers

Willy BUSCHAK - European Trade Unions Confederation (Belgium)

Xavier DARMSTAEDTER - President of the Belgian TeleWorking Association,
Managing Director of Fischer & Lorenz Benelux (Belgium)
Can telework generate employment? - The role of Teleworking Associations

Ante JAMTLID - VINDUE (Sweden) / Nathalie FAY - ISDW (USA)
Creating job opportunities by telework development joint venture

Peter JOHNSTON - Europ. Commission, DG XIII, Head of Unit (Belgium)
A Vision for 2010

Georg KAPSCH - Kapsch AG (Austria)

Jens KITTELSEN - European Commission, DG V (Belgium)

Nicole TURBE-SUETENS - Syntaxia (France)
Telework and labour relations

Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Ireland)

European RTD-projects on teleworking

Open Forum - Discussion




Tuesday, November 5, 1996  14.00 - 17.30
Wednesday, November 6, 1996 09.00 - 10.45

New ways of teaching, learning, vocational training and continuous education
are indispensable prereqisites of socially and economically desirable modes
of teleworking.
Main topics within this session will be interactive distance learning,
knowledge bases and the use of intellectual capital. International links and
networks of "virtual colleges" will become enhanced by Telework '96.

Ina WAGNER - University of Technology (Austria)
Noel HODSON - SW 2000 (United Kingdom)

Preliminary List of Presentations and Contributions

Brendan McCARTHY - Victoria University of Technology, Melbourne (Australia)
Learning experiment on teleworking with students

Andrew FRAYLING - Protocol Ltd. (United Kingdom)
IPR - Intellectual property rights and the issues facing the teleworker

Charles GRANTHAM - Institute for the Study of Distributed Work (USA)
Using new ways of work to create intellectual capital

Sigram SCHINDLER, Marc BUCHMANN - Teles GmbH Berlin (Germany)
ICARE 9000: A Teletraining Platform for SME's to gain the ISO 9000

Invited speaker of the University of Oxford (United Kingdom)
Interactive Distance Learning (IDLE) in Oxford

Johann GUeNTHER / Angelika VOLST - Donau University (Austria)
TELEMACHOS: Teleuniversity for telematics management

Commercial Training Centres

Open Forum - Discussion




Tuesday, November 5, 1996  14.00 - 17.30
Wednesday, November 6, 1996 09.00 - 10.45

Further implementation of tele-centres and urban telematics creates a new
notion of community, both in cities and rural areas. This entangles a series
of social issues and paradox interventions. A changing environment may evolve
in the wake of the distribution of innovative forms of communication and
transportation. Particularly regarding countries in CEE the eventual
availability of "shortcuts to sustainability" will be addressed.

Franz NAHRADA - Globally Integrated Village Environment/CSI (Austria)
Katarina ALMQUIST - NUTEK (Sweden)

Preliminary List of Presentations and Contributions

Eric BRITTON - EcoPlan International (France)
Sustainability - from thought to action

Mats ENGSTROeM, Walter PAAVONEN - Nordplan (Sweden)
Sustainable principles for working organizations

Michael ERTEL (Germany)
Health and safety aspects of teleworking

Maria FISCHER-KOWALSKI - Institute for Interdisciplinary Research and
Continuing Education (Austria)
Societal Metabolism

Michel GIRAUD - Isle de France Neighbourhood Offices Network (France)
Distance working - An asset for sustainable development?

Reza KAZEMIAN - University of Stockholm (Sweden)
Telematics on the societal and spatial structures of cities and their
A Project for sustainable location design

Robert PESTEL - European Commission (Belgium)
Sustainability in the information society?

F.J. RADERMACHER - Forschungsinstitut fur anwendungsorientierte
Wissensverarbeitung (Germany)
Stable paths into a sustainable world

Open Forum - Discussion


Programme Wednesday, November 6, 1996

09.00 - 10.45 Continuation of Tracks 1 - 3

09.00 - 10.45 Parallel Meeting of the European Inter-Parliamentary Special
Interest Group

10.45 - 11.00 Coffee Break


Moderator: Marion FUGLIEWICZ - Communications Consultant (Austria)

11.00 - 12.00 Reports from Tracks 1 - 3 and the Inter-Parliamentary Special
Interest Group

12.00 - 12.30 Discussion period

12.30 - 14.00 Lunch
Lunch will be served in the City Hall close to the conference rooms

14.00 - 16.00 Round Table Discussion: Political Implications
Representative of the Austrian Government
Ines UUSMAN - Minister of Transport and Communication (Sweden)
European Ministers for Telecom, Work and Social Affairs
Representatives of Central and Eastern European Countries
Fritz VERZETNITSCH - President of the European Trade Unions Confederation
Senior Industrialists
European Parliament
High Level Expert Group of DG V
European Commission

Opera, Theater or Concert tickets for your last evening in Vienna
On request Austropa Interconvention provides opera, theater or concert
tickets. Programmes are available one month in advance. Tickets can be
confirmed the earliest 1 month prior to the performance. Prices depend on the
seat category and cast. Ticket prices for the Viennese State Opera range from
ATS 350, to ATS 2300,, for Musicals from ATS 310, to 1200,, for concerts and
other plays from ATS 300, to 850, plus 25% per ticket advance booking fee.
On November 6, 1996, tickets are available for:
Vienna State Opera - Stifelio by Giuseppe Verdi - Carreras, Zampieri, Bruson
Please note: Due to this special performance tickets will not be available at
regular rates (supplement of approx. 40-50%). We have to point out that for
this performance only a very small number of tickets will be available.
Volksoper: Land des Laechelns by Franz Lehar
Musicals: Theater an der Wien: Elisabeth (in German)
Raimund Theater: Beauty and the Beast (in German)


Additional Events

>From Wednesday, 6th of November, onwards a series of relevant  workshops,
discussions, professional assemblies and promotion activities about
teleworking will take place to address a broad local public .
These events will be organized by institutions (e.g. Trade Unions or the
Chamber of Commerce, schools), existing tele-centres and tele-houses or
companies, associations and NGO's, addressing pupils, female workers,
unemployed, and people who are looking for new jobs or alternatives to their
current working situation.

Preliminary List of additional events of Telework 96
Austrian Network of Women (Oesterreichisches Frauennetzwerk) - Workshop
"Women on the Data-Highway"
Trade Union of Service Industries (Gewerkschaft der Privatangestellten, GPA)
- p.r. activities for collective and in-company agreements on Teleworking
Telecentre Autokaderstrasse, Vienna - Open House
Telecentre of Kapsch AG, Vienna - Open House
Ericsson - Open House
Federal Ministry of Education/Educational Council of Vienna -
Essay Competition among pupils
Tele-House Ltd. of Lower Austria - Local Demonstrators
Telecentre Bruck - Planning Workshop
Telecentre Hermagor - Planning Workshop
Telecentre Pinkafeld - Planning Workshop


Accompanying Persons' Programme (Optional Tours)

Vouchers for optional tours will be handed over to the
participants/accompanying persons at the AUSTROPA INTERCONVENTION DESK.
AUSTROPA INTERCONVENTION reserves the right to cancel tours should the
minimum number of people not be reached.

Tuesday, November 5, 1996

City Tour: "Historic Vienna" including a visit to the Schoenbrunn Palace
Departure from the Rathaus at 9 AM, duration approx. 3
This tour gives an overall view of the city and also leads to some prominent
sights. Driving along the Ringstrasse, a circular boulevard of 4 kilometers,
which was built during mid last century, one can see many impressive
buildings, such as the State Opera, the Burgtheater, various Museums, the
Parliament, the City Hall and the University. The highlight of the tour is
the visit to the Schoenbrunn Palace, the summer residence of the Austrian
Price per person, incl. bus tour, guide and entrance fee ATS 320,
Minimum of 25 people per bus

Excursion: "Kahlenberg - Klosterneuburg"
Departure from the Rathaus at 2PM, duration approx. 3 hours
On the way to the Danube the bus drives through the north eastern part of the
city offering a magnificent view of the hills surrounding Vienna, the so
called "Wienerwald". Via the scenic route and passing through some well-known
Heurigen villages, you reach the Kahlenberg. This lookout offers a good view
of the entire city. The bus tour continues to Klosterneuburg, the first
residence of the Babenberg family in the area of Vienna during the early
medieval times. The most prominent site to visit is the Abbey of the
Augustinian Friars, founded before 1108. The unique romanesque Verdun Altar
with its 51 enamelled tablets by Nikolaus von Werden, dated 1181, is the most
valuable piece of art in the abbey.
Price per person, incl. bus tour, guide and entrance fees ATS 290,
Minimum of 25 people per bus

Wednesday, November 6, 1996

Arts and Crafts in Vienna
Departure from the Rathaus at 9.30AM, duration approx. 2
The "Augarten" Porcelain Manufactory was established in Vienna as early as
1718. Many of the common designs still have their origin in the times of
Empress Maria Theresia who recognized the importance of creative
craftsmanship for economy. You will be guided through the production area and
the adjacent showroom. The Museum of Applied Arts, recently renovated, houses
a large collection of furniture, glass and objects for daily use from baroque
times to the beginning of the 20th century. Particularly interesting are
cutlery, jewellery etc. by Kolo Moser, all types of chairs by the Thonet
Brothers and designs by Josef Hofmann.
Price per person, incl. bus tour, guide and entrance fees ATS 320,
Minimum of 25 people per bus

Imperial Vienna: Treasury and Imperial Burial Vault
Meeting place: Rathaus at 2PM, duration approx. 2
The treasury is the oldest part of the Hofburg, mentioned already in the 13th
century and contains a display of priceless treasures that bears witness to
the former imperial power: insignias and jewels over a thousand years old of
the Roman-German Empire and the treasury of the Order of the Golden Fleece.
Afterwards, visit of the Imperial Burial Vault, where more than 130 Habsburgs
were burried, among them 12 emperors and 16 empresses. The design of the
coffins shows the change in the comprehension of arts over three centuries.
Price per person, incl. guide and entrance fees ATS 250,
Minimum of 15 people per group

Tours are subject to change.


Hotel and Travel Arrangements

Austropa-Interconvention, Oesterreichisches Verkehrsburo AG, has been
entrusted by the organising committee to handle all hotel reservations and
asks all participants, to reserve rooms with the enclosed hotel reservation
form only. The exact indication of arrival and departure dates, as well as
the desired hotel category is necessary. Please make your selection of hotel
category according to the following list. Should the requested category not
be available anymore, a booking in the next higher category will be made.
All prices quoted are per night, per room and include daily breakfast,
service charges and all taxes.

1. Category A**** Deposit ATS 2.000, per room
Single room ATS    980, to ATS  1.600,
Double room ATS  1.450, to ATS  2.360,

2. Category B *** Deposit ATS 1.500, per room
Single room  ATS     650, to ATS     980,
Double room ATS     990, to ATS  1.380,

3. Pension - Category B*** Deposit ATS 1.000, per room
Single room ATS     650,
Double room ATS  1.100, to ATS  1.290,

All rooms with bath or shower and toilette.

Please book your hotel before September 30, 1996

Methods of payment for hotel deposits and optional tours
Please send a cheque or money order together with the hotel accommodation
booking form to Austropa Interconvention, P.O.Box 30, A-1043 Vienna, Austria,
or make a bank transfer FREE OF BANK CHARGES to the AUSTROPA account no.:
0035-14775/00 at the Creditanstalt-Bankverein, Vienna, bankcode 11.000. All
payments are to be made in Austrian Schillings (ATS). Please do not forget to
indicate the name of the participant and the purpose of payment. After the
receipt of your deposit we will send you a hotel voucher, indicating the name
and exact address of the hotel booked.
Kindly inform Austropa Interconvention immediately of any changes in the
dates of arrival or departure and in case of cancellation. For cancellations
up to one week prior to arrival, a handling fee of ATS 300, per booking will
be charged. Afterwards, no more refunds of hotel deposits will be possible.


All inclusive Flight Arrangements

Austropa Interconvention in cooperation with Austrian Airlines and other IATA
carriers offers the participants of the "TELEWORK '96 Congress" all inclusive
flight arrangements. These arrangements include the following services:
Economy class return ticket on regular flights, 20 kg (44 lbs) baggage
allowance, 5 nights accommodation in a double room with bath/shower/WC of
hotels in the 3*** category, buffet breakfast, service charges, taxes,
transfer from the airport to the hotel and vice versa. All airport taxes are
INCLUDED. For participants, travelling alone, please add the single room
supplement as listed below. Booking deadline: September 30, 1996.

Please note, that your ticket can be issued only after receipt of full
prepayment. Tickets will be mailed to participants after September 30, 1996.

Cancellation policies:
In case of cancellation or changes before September 30, 1996, Austropa
Interconvention will charge a handling fee of ATS 1.000, per person. For
cancellations after September 30, 50% of the total cost of the flight
arrangement will be charged to the participant. Changes of flight dates are
not possible after September 30. All cancellations and changes have to be
made in writing.

Flight dates:
Arrival in Vienna: November 2, 1996
Departure from Vienna: November 7, 1996
If you wish to book different dates or destinations than indicated, please
contact Austropa Interconvention. All prices are in Austrian Schillings and
are based on ticket prices and exchange rates per January 1996. Prices are
subject to changes. Sunday rule applies.

Place of Dep *** Hotel
Rom 9.785,--
Paris 9.975,--
London 8.295,--
Madrid 10.745,--
Lissabon 11.080,--
Genf 9.540,--
Zurich 9.025,--
Kopenhagen 9.930,--
Amsterdam 9.960,--
Stockholm 10.480,--
Helsinki 12.285,--
Hamburg 11.925,--
Dusseldorf 11.523,--
Frankfurt 10.385,--
Stuttgart 10.015,--
Munchen 8.685,--
Berlin 10.530,--
Dresden 9.965,--
Leipzig 9.965,--
Bremen 12.970,--
Munster 12.645,--
Friedrichshafen 13.530,--

Single room supplement for 5 nights, Hotel ***   ATS 800,