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Re: ADJ_ust
John Young wrote:
> 9-30-96. NYP:
> "National Security Experts Plan for Wars Whose Targets and
> Weapons Are All Digital."
> Is the threat real, or is this just another way to win
> scarce funds?
> Military and intelligence officials believe that enemy
> nations, terrorists and criminal groups either already
> have the capability to mount information warfare strikes
> or soon will. Criminals are quickly progressing beyond
> the vandalism and petty theft associated with teen-aged
> hackers and into robbery and extortion schemes ranging
> up to millions of dollars, corporate executives and
> private investigators say.
> Others reply that the worst threats mentioned are mostly
> speculation. "Information warfare is a risk to our
> nation's economy and defense," said Martin Libicki, a
> senior fellow at the National Defense University. "But
> I believe we will find ways to cope with these attacks,
> adjust and shake them off, just as we do to natural
> disasters like hurricanes."
If they wanna bombard the net, fine. Just as long as they don't use one
of those HAARP gizmos, like the ground-penetrating radar, and turn it
onto a wide area, so everyone in, say, San Jose loses all their hard
disk info and floppy backups. I don't know much about non-magnetic
technology, and so I wonder what the options are for secure backup,
short of buying an expensive safe or a spot in an underground vault?
- References:
- ADJ_ust
- From: jya@pipeline.com (John Young)