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Good Netkeeping seal of approval????


Bob Hettinga

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Sender: e$@thumper.vmeng.com
Reply-To: Rodney Thayer <rodney@sabletech.com>
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Precedence: Bulk
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 1996 09:01:46 -0500
From: Rodney Thayer <rodney@sabletech.com>
To: Multiple recipients of <e$@thumper.vmeng.com>
Subject: eTrust -- EFF+CommerceNet

(from the ISOC newsletter)

In a push to encourage online commerce, the Electronic Frontier Foundation
and CommerceNet have teamed up to implement eTrust, a global initiative
that would allow qualified merchants to bear the eTrust logo. The
initiative has thus far formed a standards body made up of such companies
as Coopers & Lybrand, the Firefly Network, and Test Drive. This body,
dubbed the Commercial Guidelines and Auditing Standards Committee, has
developed a series of guidelines for an accreditation program, which the
group will take through a pilot phase towards the end of the year. A
commercial offering and a pricing structure are expected in the first
quarter of 1997. More information is available at http://www.etrust.org.
(Cowles/SIMBA Media Daily 10/17/96).

               Rodney Thayer <rodney@sabletech.com>       +1 617 332 7292
               Sable Technology Corp, 246 Walnut St., Newton MA 02160 USA
               Fax: +1 617 332 7970           http://www.shore.net/~sable
                           Communications Software Development

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Robert Hettinga (rah@shipwright.com)
e$, 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"The cost of anything is the foregone alternative" -- Walter Johnson
The e$ Home Page: http://www.vmeng.com/rah/