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Re: Is there a Win PGP?

On Thu, 7 Nov 1996, William H. Geiger III wrote:
> I am not sure exactly how they had this mechanism set up but I am pretty sure this
> was somthing the user had to actively set up as aposed to somthing done automatically
> with out the user's knowledge. 

I have both versions.  They call it the "Business Edition", and the master
key is optional, not required.  The master key has to be in place before
anyone else generates their key, otherwise the master key won't work.  You
have to go in and turn this on so it isn't something that gets implemented
without *someone* knowing.  As for everyone else knowing that there was a
master key generated...

#include <standard.disclaimer>
                    _   __     __  _____            ____
                   / | / /__  / /_/ ___/__  _______/ __/__  _____
                  /  |/ / _ \/ __/\__ \/ / / / ___/ /_/ _ \/ ___/
                 / /|  /  __/ /_ ___/ / /_/ / /  / __/  __/ /