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Re: [OFF-TOPIC]Re: PICS is not censorship

Gemini Thunder wrote:
> "Timothy C. May" <[email protected]> wrote:
> >This was, of course, my point about there being no universally valid truth,
> >and what such anti-fraud statutes must mean about religions.


> I just want to comment on this, as this is one of my pet peeves.
> There are universally valid truths.  You implicitly admit so by
> stating "...at most, one religion is correct".
> The problem is we can not always determine what the universally valid
> truth is (especially so in moral/religious matters), so we tend to
> cop-out and say there are no truths, or something along the lines of:

The syllogism I remember goes something like this:

If all things are relative then
the statement I just made is relative (sometimes true and sometimes false).
When the statement is false, something is not relative, but implicitly