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Re: Fighting the cybercensor

blanc wrote:
> From:   Dr.Dimitri Vulis
> However U.S.G. is able to say that people of Iraq or Lybia or Cuba should
> not be permitted on the 'net. It also bombs Iraq and murders their
> civilians
> in retaliation for something their governments supposedly did.

> The U.S.G. has many more resources than most of us to do these things,
> including equipment, cooperative troops, money, and recognition from other
> governments.   If other nations disagree with the U.S.G. they have the
> resources to discuss, bargain, negotiate, criticize, form alliances, take
> their chances and retaliate, etc.

I wish this were true, at least of nations which would be friendly
to someone like me (white, Western, etc.).  A bully on a school
playground can always be knocked down, no matter how big or how
vicious he is.  Sadly, the U.S. bully cannot be knocked down.  Bad
enough you get nuclear, chemical, and/or biological stuff waved at
you - if you get into a hot war like Desert Storm, your country is
carpet-bombed with fleets of B-52's until it is thoroughly debilitated.

How does one country get on top and terrorize the whole world?  By
following Tom Wolfe's intimation concerning the pirates: "The people
on the East coast were constantly victimized because they couldn't
comprehend just how vicious and ruthless the pirates really were"
(quote approximate).

People who read this might argue that the "true power" is international
now, and not confined to the USA.  I say it doesn't matter which end
you look at it from, the "true power" has been concentrating and
centralizing itself for some years now, and you can use any nation-label
you like.