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Dale disses gays.

Date: Thu, 13 Feb 1997 19:35:01 -0800
From: Dale Thorn <dthorn@gte.net>

:Another funny thing - I'm an ordinary English/Welsh/Dutch White :person,

Makes me hate myself.

:and I've had plenty of White friends, and an equal percentage of :Black friends given the number of Black people I've known, but I've :never had a friend who was gay or lesbian, as far as I know, and I :think I could tell.

How, Dale, by the smell?

:I can only guess that the gays are very clique-ish,
:or their brains are wired differently than non-gays.

Perhaps the hard wiring makes it possible for them to avoid bigots like you. 

Sign him up to pass out the pink triangles.

What a fraud!

Still love you, big guy.
Can you tell?