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Message-Id / mail2news gateways.
This is for all the volunteers who are working on setting up the
distributed cypherpunks mailing lists.
1) Please preserver Message-Ids while resending messages. The
Message-Id is intended to be unique to a message and can be used
to reject duplicates. Usenet software in particular, detects
duplicates by Message-Id.
2) In response to Igor's query, I would very much like at least
on of the distributed lists to be set up such that messages sent
there will *not* be gatewayed to Usenet. As I mentioned, I will
not post to Usenet with my real email address, and if all lists
get gatewayed to alt.cypherpunks, I have to set up fake email
headers to mail to the lists also. If at least one of the
lists can gaurantee that it won't be gatewayed to Usenet, I
don't have to do that, and as a nice bonus, Prof. Froomkin
can continue to be active on cypherpunks.
This can be achieved by the list software adding an
"X-Post-to-Usenet: No" or some similar header to every
message it sends out. Also a header, such as X-List:
should be set to indicate under which mailing list a message
first entered the system. This will be worthless unless all
the list servers honor these headers.
Anil Das