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Belated thank you's

It seems somewhat trite to say thank you for the service John provided now that
it is going away, when while it was here it was taken for granted. Still, I will
say thank you. Perhaps in this respect it is like good health, which while it is
ours is not given much though, but once lost, becomes the whole of our thoughts.

The loss of John's involvement is a real loss. At the same time, I would like to
think that virtual communities such as this one are robust enough to survive the
type of strife that we have undergone. People being what they are, the list
would have had a hard time staying static without some strong guiding focus.
Given the anarchic leanings of many people on this list, John's actions have
done much to test the practicality of the principles that have been spoken about
here. They may also show how much work it is to follow these same principles.

Still, I wonder how John will feel about the cypherpunks list as it moves beyond
him. Will it grow and become widespread? Or, will it slowly die from lack of
interest or time? I think he might not like either answer.

A la prochain fois,

The advancement and perfection of mathematics are intimately connected with the
prosperity of the State. - Napoleon I