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Re: Anonymous proxies & ITAR question

On Mon, 16 Jun 1997, William H. Geiger III wrote:

> If I went and rented a truck and there was a "roach" in the ashtray I
> should not be held accountable for possesion unless it could be proved
> that it was mine and not from someone else that had used the truck or even
> a worker at the retal shop.

But if you drive for several miles, and get pulled over for speeding, the
fact that it's still in the truck is probably going to land you in jail,
if the cop finds some reason to search the truck.  (The smell of marijuana
or seeing the roach sitting the ashtray are valid reasons I believe)

If you haven't disposed of it, you're probably going to land in jail.
>From the law enforcement's point of view, can you see any difference
between your story and that of a person who's actually smoking?  (Honest
officer, it was in the truck when I got in!)  the evidence is there, and
you'll probably need to depend on character witnesses to get out of a

Ryan Anderson - <Pug Majere>     "Who knows, even the horse might sing" 
Wayne State University - CULMA   "May you live in interesting times.."
[email protected]                        Ohio = VYI of the USA 
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