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Re: Party on IRC


In <[email protected]>, on 06/21/97 
   at 02:34 AM, Bill Stewart <[email protected]> said:

>>Robert Hettinga <[email protected]> writes:
>>>Is there an encrypted IRC available?
>>>If not, shouldn't there be?
>>>Is such a thing even possible?

>You'd have to think about what you wanted it to do,
>but it should be quite doable.  IRC is normally for sharing
>conversations between an amorphous, changing bunch of people, which isn't
>really a standard thing to do with crypto.  
>But I can see several basic models:
>0) Just Speak Finnish :-)
>1) Two-person, with Diffie-Hellman key exchange
>2) N-person shared-key - you'd probably use RSA to give the session key
>to each new participant, or use PGP to do it.
>3) N person, one key per sender, shared as above.
>4) Ignore the application layer, and build the crypto as an IPsec tunnel.
>5) Ignore the IRC protocols, and build a similar conversation server
>using web forms and SSL.

Hi Bill,

I have been doing somthing much simpler for providing an encrypted IRC.

Say you have a group of 5-10 crypto-anarchsist who wish to engage in a
secure coversation.

1 of the group runs ircd & sshd on his machine (perferabley the one with
the fastest machine/and or best connection).    

The rest of the group logs into his machine using irc & ssh clients.

All communication is encrypted to the outside world while in "plain text"
to the group.

The best part of this is it requires no modification to the "off the
shelf" software available.

Unfortunatly ssh is not very well known outside the Unix community. There
is an exelent port for OS/2 (freeware) and there is a port to winxx
(shareware) I don't know if a mac port is available.

- -- 
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
William H. Geiger III  http://www.amaranth.com/~whgiii
Geiger Consulting    Cooking With Warp 4.0

Author of E-Secure - PGP Front End for MR/2 Ice
PGP & MR/2 the only way for secure e-mail.
OS/2 PGP 2.6.3a at: http://www.amaranth.com/~whgiii/pgpmr2.html                        
- ---------------------------------------------------------------

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