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Re: 90 degree turn Re: Socio-Economic Cults (Re: Cypherpunk Cults)

At 01:45 PM 8/30/97 -0700, Bill Stewart wrote:
>At 08:57 PM 8/28/97 -0400, I wrote:
>>I didn't find out about the Japaneese concentration camps until after I saw
>>the karate kid and had it explained to me.  As I had most of my high school
>>career ahead of me at the time, that much info should have made me aware of
>>the lessons covering them in my various high school history classes.  Nearly
>>every history class I have had has either stopped sometime around the end of
>>the civil war, stayed in Oklahoma, ...
>	Did the "Trail of Tears" expulsion of the Cherokee to
>	Oklahoma get covered?
Yes, it was covered.  One chief's wife was commended on her bravery and
self-sacrifice for giving her blanket to another woman, (and subsequently
freezing to death, or something similar.)  The blame was pinned on
sub-contractors who were charged with feeding the Cherokee people but who
often didn't, or who often left the food out hours in advance to spoil.
In this particular Oklahoma history class lesson.  Not once was an Oklahoman
held responsible for the death of so many people.  Most of it was given to
the people occupying the states between Oklahoma and, I believe, Florida.