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Re: Socio-Economic Cults (Re: Cypherpunk Cults)

William said (and so did others):
> >At 06:10 PM 8/27/97 PDT, John Smith wrote:
> >>William H. Geiger III:
> >>>In the Salem witch trial they were government trials (which were >based
> >>>a political power struggle in Salem at the time) not lynch mobs.
> >>And how about our gun-crazy friend, who'd shoot anybody who messed
> >>dies?  Sounds to me like we've got another shooting coming.  Is that
> >>the kind of world you want to live in?
> >I like the little comment made in the first of MIB.  And I paraphrase.
> >Individuals are intelligent, people are stupid.

	No, people are stupid. Singly, in pairs, triples, or larger groups.
I think it is just that the stupider people are attracted to large groups. 

> >Better ones would be the LA Riots and the famous broadcast of War of the
> >Worlds.
> And where were are beloved Police? Hiding elseware eating thier donuts
> becuse they were too *chicken shit* to do thier job. It only goes to show

	Were I an honest cop during that period of time, and assuming that we
got *something resembling the truth* from the media (eventually) you can bet 
your bottom dollar I'd have turned in my badge and left town for healthier 

> that when the chips are really down you can not count on the government to
> save you.

	When the chips are down, you'd better count on nothing but yourself.

> And before anyone ask yes I think that every rat bastard involved in the
> riots should have been shot on sight.

	I think that every rat bastard that *DIDN'T* go after the cops should 
have been shot. Those that went after the police stations should have just 
been beaten severly...