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Re: Missing Kids and Porn Links
Damaged Justice <frogfarm@yakko.cs.wmich.edu> writes:
> The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
> (NCMEC) encourages the owners of Web sites to add a link
> that will bring up the picture of a different missing child
> every ten minutes. According to Ruben Rodriguez, Supervisor
> of the Exploited Child Unit, the Center is getting 70 to 80
> requests a day for information to create the link. Some
> sites, however, have taken the initiative themselves,
> including pornographic Web sites.
> One popular porn site proclaims on its home page that,
> "This Site Cares About Our Young Children! Please Take A Few
> Seconds To Look At The Pictures Of The Missing Children!!
> Every Ten Minutes When You Reload A Different Child's
> Picture Appears! If We Can Save Just ONE! Then Wouldn't That
> Be Worth It?" That particular site, said Rodriguez, will get
> a cease and desist letter from the Center's chief legal
> counsel.
The thing to realize here is that NCMEC is an agency which
receives almost 100% of its funding from government agencies, one
of which is the Juvenile Justice division of the US DOJ.
It has about as much to do with childrens' rights as aardvarks
have to do with starship design. It exists primarily so that
news organizations can point and say "Childrens' Advocates
Praised the President's Decision" every time childrens' civil
liberties are further reduced, or some laughable new definition
of child porn is criminalized.
In addition, it helps to conduct the war against imagined
pedophiles, both at home and abroad, and enforces the property
rights of parents against any minor under the age of 18 who dares
to leave their bed and board. These two agendas may be easily
combined, since if one is not with ones parents, one is obviously
in the clutches of an exaltation of pedophiles grooming one for a
life of sexual depravity.
While reasonable people would see little problem in popular adult
web sites also posting missing childrens' pictures, NCMEC toes
the child sex hysteric party line, and accepts links only from
ideologically pure "Save the Children" organizations, like CPAC,
which engage in content-based harrassment of perfectly legal
material, and which subscribe to the doctrine of "Voodoo
Molestation" when otherwise ordinary photographs are viewed.
If you're a missing or exploited child, seek the services of a
good childrens' legal advocate, not NCMEC, unless of course you
wish to have your picture on numerous grocery items, be returned
to your parents in handcuffs, and be used to promote someone
elses political agenda, the only "services" NCMEC has ever
managed to provide to children in need.
Mike Duvos $ PGP 2.6 Public Key available $
enoch@zipcon.com $ via Finger $
{Free Cypherpunk Political Prisoner Jim Bell}