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Re: Things we should be working on...


At 12:12 AM 9/3/97 -0700, Bill Stewart wrote:

>Yeah, you're missing that Ian's a Canadian, not subject to US laws when
>he's not in US territory, unlike Rivest (but not unlike Shamir.)

I don't know Ian's status but those who are US permanent residents are 
subject to most of these sorts of laws even if they are temporarily outside 
of the US.  Student Visa holders are not permanent residents of course.

>Taking working papers with him might be an export problem, but 
>taking ideas in his head isn't, and when he's at home, he can work,
>subject to Canadian limits on writing, publishing, and internetting crypto.
>If he wants to sell products based on his crypto work,
>there may be student visa issues involved, but there's a Canadian 
>that can take care of some of those problems for him.

He's probably OK there.  If I am in France, or China, or Canada, I can 
continue to write the great American Novel or the Great American Algorithm 
that I'm working on without violating work permit requirements.

The nice thing about those of us who only sell ideas for a living is that 
they haven't figured out a way to outlaw thinking yet (as much as they've 

In any case, I take it that Ian is a graduate student which implies that he 
possesses a bachelor's degree from somewhere and thus can work here more or 
less at will for five years.  Under the US-Canada FTA and NAFTA, citizens of 
the three signatory countries who have bachelor's degrees and genuine job 
offers can work in either of the other two countries without going through 
the whole work permit process.  It's just a little paper shuffling at the 
border and "cannot ordinarily be denied".  

So Ian can work here but poor Bill Gates can't work in Canada.

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