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Crypto hearings via C-SPAN

The Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Technology, Terrorism, and Government
Information held hearings this afternoon on encryption; audio is available
now at <http://www.c-span.org/>, I don't follow C-Span so I don't know how
long they'll make the recording available.

I haven't finished listening to the recording, but it so far has featured
Senator Leahy and Louis Freeh reminscing pleasantly about their
early-morning walks near Sen. Leahy's farm in rural Vermont, and Freeh
talking about how the situation prior to the enactment of Digital Telephony
looked bleak - but with the helpful intervention of Congress, a "balance"
was achieved between privacy and law enforcement which has made everyone
happy. Ahem.

Key escrow is being compared to airbags in cars; they're discussing forcing
crypto software authors to include key escrow in their software, and
allowing users to "choose" to use it or not. 

Greg Broiles                | US crypto export control policy in a nutshell:
gbroiles@netbox.com         | 
http://www.io.com/~gbroiles | Export jobs, not crypto.