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Death of Privacy / Was: Di Privacy, Die!

>From the Not-ly News !Server:

[Mainstream, Terra] -- "Huh?" by Defcom McCull'em

  Mainstream Media sources today denied rumors of news stories from
real people, in the real world, finding their way into the bowels of
the mainstream press before being burped out to make way for more of
the same-old-same-old.
  Asked why the initial reports of eyewitnesses using words such as
"explosion" were quickly buried in favor of the word "crash," sources
replied, only one guy, somewhere in Canada, was awake at that hour, and
he will soon be dead, so we can't really confirm the existence of those
eyewitnesses, since no one wants to talk to them.
  Asked why initial accounts had "five" reporters being detained and
why a rumor concerning the accidental death of "two" reporters, suddenly
turned into "seven" reporters being detained, the sources would only 
comment, "These were only preliminary estimates, before we had a chance
to talk to our media prisoners and explain the severity of what they
would be facing if their stories were not 'politically correct'."

  Asked why statements by Fayed family members concerning their views
that Dodi and Diana were 'offed' by the monarchy in a bid to thwart
a gain in the political influence of sandnigger mobsters, mainstream
media sources said, "We saw no need to cover old ground which had been
dealt with on the Cypherpunks list, both before and after the event."
  Asked about the missing right wheel on the death vehicle, sources 
inferred that it was found on the stretcher that carried Diana to the
hospital, next to the magic bullet that killed Kennedy.

"All the news that gets you killed."