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Re: Stay issued; modified stay to follow (fwd)
----- Forwarded message from Bob Kohn -----
>From cpunks Fri Aug 29 04:41:12 1997
Message-Id: <>
X-Sender: kohn@mail.pgp.com
X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Pro Version 3.0.2 b3 (32)
Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 01:06:00 -0700
To: Cindy Cohn <Cindy@mcglashan.com>
From: Bob Kohn <kohn@pgp.com>
Subject: Re: Stay issued; modified stay to follow
Cc: sadams@forbes.com, telstar@wired.com, plotnikoff@aol.com,
Ewasserman@sjmercury.com, dang@cnet.com, steven@echo.net,
abate@ccnet.com, wendyg@cix.compulink.co.uk, amy@netcom.com,
courtm@cnet.com, alan.boyle@MSNBC.COM, declan@well.com,
sep@cbsnews.com, kenc@cwi.emap.com, arb@well.com, exp@mk.ibek.com,
bransten@interactive.wsj.com, TomBemis@pacbell.net,
sam.perry@reuters.com, jimevans@aol.com, ljflynn@aol.com,
wendyl@ljx.com, bernstein-announce@toad.com
In-Reply-To: <199708290123.SAA24903@gw.quake.net>
Reply-To: Bob Kohn <kohn@pgp.com>
Sender: owner-cypherpunks@toad.com
Precedence: bulk
[text/enriched is unsupported, treating like TEXT/PLAIN]
Too bad. Prof. Bernstein was perfectly positioned to become a great -- and the only legal -- exporting reseller of PGP software. (no, this is not off the record)
At 06:21 PM 8/28/97 -0700, Cindy Cohn wrote:
>During a conference call with counsel today, Judge Patel issued a stay of
>the injunctive relief issued in her Opinion of August 25, 1997, effective
>until September 8.
> On September 8 (or sooner if we get the papers to her) the Court she will
>issue a formal Stay Pending Appeal which will stay the injunctive relief
>issued in her Opinion of August 25, 1997, except that an injunction shall be
>reinstated to prevent the prosecution of Professor Bernstein for the
>"unlicensed export" of Snuffle 5.0 (which includes Snuffle and Unsnuffle)
>and any later versions of that program which he has developed.
>This eliminates, at least for the meantime, the injunctive relief granted to
>Bernstein as to any other computer programs which he may have developed or
>otherwise wished to publish. It also eliminates the protections for persons
>other than Professor Bernstein.
>The government has said that it may still challenge this more limited stay
>in the 9th Circuit. Professor Bernstein may also seek relief from the stay
>from the 9th Circuit.
>Cindy A. Cohn
>McGlashan & Sarrail, P. C.
>177 Bovet Road, 6th Floor
>San Mateo, CA 94402
>(415) 341-2585 (tel)
>(415)341-1395 (fax)
Robert H. Kohn
Vice President, Business Development
2121 S. El Camino Real, 9th Floor
San Mateo, California 94403
Direct: (415) 524-6220
Cellular: (415) 297-6527
Main: (415) 572-0430
Fax: (415) 572-1932
PGP Home Page: http://www.pgp.com
Personal Home page: http://www.kohnmusic.com/people/bkohn.html
<smaller>"If all the personal computers in the world - ~260 million
computers - were put to work on a single PGP-encrypted message, it would
still take an estimated 12 million times the age of the universe, on
average, to break a single message."
-- William Crowell, Deputy Director of the National Security Agency,
testifying before the U.S. Congress on March 20, 1997</smaller>
----- End of forwarded message from Bob Kohn -----