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Dianaism Was: Re: Di and Dodi Run Over A Land Mine

At 02:54 AM 9/5/97 -0600, toto wrote:
>  Diana used the position that was bestowed upon her to give comfort
>and hope to the halt, the lame, and the downtrodden. Did she do it
>out of self-serving egoism, or an attempt to gain recognition and 
>fame as a humanitarian?
>  I don't know, I don't care, and it is really none of my business.
>What *is* my business is to view my fellow man/woman and perceive
>if they are lifted up or further downtrodden by their interactions
>with myself and others. I have seen the faces of the AIDS children
>that she touched, when no one else would, and the lepers whom she
>shook hands with, when others were afraid to do so, and I have seen
>the light that she spread among those whom society had cast aside.
Anyone care to lay odds as to how soon a religion will start up with the
late princess as the main diety?
I'm guessing 5 years for the first hard-cores.  And 20 years for
international visibility.