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Re: Di and Dodi Run Over A Land Mine
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On 9/5/97 4:54 AM, Toto (toto@sk.sympatico.ca) passed this wisdom:
> I don't know, I don't care, and it is really none of my business.
>What *is* my business is to view my fellow man/woman and perceive
>if they are lifted up or further downtrodden by their interactions
>with myself and others. I have seen the faces of the AIDS children
>that she touched, when no one else would, and the lepers whom she
>shook hands with, when others were afraid to do so, and I have seen
>the light that she spread among those whom society had cast aside.
This is the light in which I prefer to remember her .. thankyou for
saying it so nicely.
> You write that Diana's campaign against the use of land mines is
>an unrealistic attempt to negate the cheap and effective defense
>of the poorer countries. Perhaps what was needed was for her to
>have the input of someone such as yourself who understands the need
>for cheap and effective self-defence, so that she could concentrate
>her efforts on removing landmines that are no longer needed, and
>preventing the dispersal of landmines which are not truly needed
>for self-defence, but are only serving as 'toys for boys' who want
>to play soldier.
.. here I can speak with some authority ... having lost a part of my
anatomy to such a device ... for many years I quietly accepted what
had happened to me as a forseeable consequence of having gone off to a
war ... but in correspondance with my US Senator, Patrick Leahy,
another major backer of the anti-landmine effort, I came to realize
that the mines sowed along the trail from Phuc Loc(5) to Phuc Loc(6),
of which I became one victim, could just as easily have maimed/killed
any of the dozens of villagers who plied that trail every day.
Further, when I was trained as an infantry officer by the Marine
Corps in the use of mines we were taught to painstakingly prepare map
overlays showing the location of each and every mine ... but when we
got to that tropical SE Asian wonderland ... the way it was done was
to plant em and forget em unless it was in your front yard ... that is
immoral, no discussion! FWIW, my .02!
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